Burned Out

I'm going to slow down on blogging for a few days. I was so burned out
yesterday that I left work early. My brain didn't work. I'll keep
reading my email in the morning, but no computer at night until I'm
better. Famous last words...
I watched CBS' coverage of the Democrat Convention last night from 10
to 11pm. Algore is still as wooden as ever. Hillary Clinton looked
pretty good, but her speech was as exciting as cold rice. Bill Clinton
is back down to his pre-Oval-Office weight. Looks great. And he still
gives good speech. Too bad the product he's selling, John Kerry, is so
bad. I'd love for him to see the light and start selling Mike
Badnarik. Unfortunately, you can't believe a single word that comes
out of his mouth, and everybody knows that, so I retract my wish.
I intend to pick up dies, bullets, powder, and primers for loading .44
Magnum today after work. Yippeeeeeee!