World's Largest Army
J.W. Platt at Moby in the Morning - America's hunters, in just Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and West Virginia, are the world's largest army. No wonder so many tin-pot dictators, including our own elected criminal class, want to disarm us. [claire]
America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower.
Hunting -- it's not just a way to fill the freezer. It's a matter of national security.
Previous Posts:
Lever Action
Happy Birthday M1911!
Anne Tompkins: Tyranny's Whore
A Few Ugly Truths about the Death State and Its Supporters
A Nation Led by Blood-Guzzling, Flesh-Eating Pigfuckers
They've Railroaded Bernard von NotHaus
Fundraiser for Victoria
The Truth About ANWR