Fundraiser for Victoria is a small web site my wife created, soliciting donations to help with our medical expenses for our daughter, Victoria. She has been sick and out of school, with Lyme and other tick-borne diseases, since April of 2009. We have medical insurance, and it's helping a lot, but there's a lot it doesn't cover. We've been spending nearly everything I make on doctors, vitamins, herbs, and prescription drug copays, but there are some therapies that Karla thinks would be useful that we can't afford. Karla and our son, Christopher, have organized a fund-raising concert, with local artists, students at his college, and me, playing mostly jazz. We also have a chipin, if you can't come to the concert, but want to help.

Karla mentioned that
Karla mentioned that. They weren't THAT expensive. Less than half a month of current expenses over what the insurance pays. And I saved for them for a while. $10K was actually a pretty low goal for the chipin. We're going to need more, unless she gets well soon.
Fundraiser for Victoria
If you cannot afford to buy treatments for your daughter, then sell your brand new and expensive speakers!
I wish your daughter all the best and a speedy recovery.
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