Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 15 Mar 2011 14:55:15 GMT  <== Webmaster stuff ==> 

I tried an experiment over the past couple of days, disabling the CAPTCHA for comments by unregistered users. I thought it was working fine, but today I was hit by a bomb, 3 pages of comments with random-character topics and links. I turned the CAPTCHA back on. I've had comments from some people that they can't read it. I may look for a different font, at some point, but it's going to have to stay, so that I have a chance at picking the real comments from the spam.

As has always been the case, the way around it is to register an account. You've still got a captcha for that, but you can email me if you can't read it, and I'll create your account myself. Registered users have no captcha and no moderation for comments.

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Comments (2):

Should use captcha

Submitted by CCNA Bootcamp on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 08:23:13 GMT

You should use captcha always

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As I said...

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 13:17:33 GMT

As I said, I've discovered that I need it. But I'm using it because it helps me, not because I "should". I care not one whit for "should", but I do care about stuff that makes my life as a blogger easier.

I would usually not approve a comment such as yours, since it contains a gratuitous commercial link, but in this case, since you're right on topic, I'm allowing it.

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