The Truth About ANWR
Anonymous at The Libertarian Enterprise - Ken received this in email. Don't know about its accuracy, but, if true, it's another damning indictment of the watermelons (green on the outside, red on the inside). And a mighty fine reason to begin drilling NOW in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) Coastal Plain.
Can't endorse this
I do not think that anybody but the people in that area should decide whether or not oil is taken from the ground.
I am part Inupiaq from the NW region of Alaska and know that the people in the so-called ANWR region take offense at people thousands of miles away trying to decide their fate and the fate of the land on which they so heavily depend.
If, and it is a mighty big if, oil companies are allowed to drill, it should be up to the local people. Period.
Wtf no. Drilling for oil
Wtf no. Drilling for oil affects the entire ecosystem for thousands of miles. Waste leaks to the water supply and impacts the entire food chain. Besides, what they called a wasteland clearly sustains an ecosystem of its own. We don't just protect areas where there are large mammals and forests, that's not how it works. In a virgin wildlife preserve, everything is at a perfect balance. If you take a leg, the whole thing colapses. The kind of simplistic argument offered in that text is so blatantly lobby propaganda like it shouldn't even deserve serious consideration. In fact, I don't know why i'm typing all this.
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