A Nation Led by Blood-Guzzling, Flesh-Eating Pigfuckers

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 21 Mar 2011 18:25:54 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Arthur Silber pulls no punches. As well he shouldn't, when dealing with the pigfuckers who rule the globe, including America's Pigfucker in Chief.

Given the holy mission announced by the Pigfucker-in-Chief with regard to Libya, and in light of the Pigfucker's own repeatedly embraced policies, a question uncomfortably announces itself: Who will bomb the United States, and when does it begin? Thus are we instructed as to the critical importance of possessing the most frightening arsenal of weapons ever known in history. No one dares apply the Pigfucker's own standards to the Pigfucker himself.

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