November 2004
Monday, 1 November: Vote Badnarik for President in 2004
- L. Neil Smith At The Libertarian Enterprise - The Nightmare After Halloween
- Michael Bradshaw at The Libertarian Enterprise - Election and Revolution Unintended Consequences Assassination Politics
- Anthony Gregory at The Libertarian Enterprise - Government Growth, the Party of Lincoln, and George W. Bush The American Lenin
- eminem - Mosh Video
- Benedict D. LaRosa at The Future of Freedom Foundation - Gun Control: A Historical Perspective Part 2
- Ali Hassan Massoud at Strike the Root - On Being Hated in Your Own Home: Arab-Americans in the Heartland
- Elias Alias at The Mental Militia - Trick or Treat: The Impossible Pumpkin
- Bill Whittle - A Final Thought Before the Show
- George Phillies at Liberty for All - Libertarians for Bush are Libertarians Against Liberty
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - The Electoral College vs. Mob Rule
- Claire Wolfe - Machine gun rock & roll
- Kevin Tuma - Electronic Voting Simplified
- Andy Steadman at No Treason - Voting for Beer
- anonymous at craigslist - Sorry I Fouled Your Door
- CNN - Election 2004
- # Gun Owners Alliance - Lethal Laws - "Gun Control" is the Key to Genocide Why "lethal laws" Is No Longer Sold by JPFO
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - The Whole Hog Special Interest Sandwich
- Linda Johnston at - Congressman Ron Paul
- Campaign Extra - 9/11 "black box" cover-up at Ground Zero?
- Mark Reynolds at Strike the Root - Slave Nation - 101
- Joshua Davis at Wired - The Mystery of the Coca Plant That Wouldn't Die
- Kim du Toit - Not Solitary
- GeekWithA.45 - Any Questions?
- John Silveira at Backwoods Home Magazine - A Republic vs. A Democracy
- Bill Whittle - Silent America Speaks
- George Paine at Warblogging - My Position Dan Gillmor's commentary
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Geocaching: Finding Stuff for Fun
- Scott Ritter at Guardian Unlimited - The war on Iraq has made moral cowards of us all
- Jerry Pournelle - Thursday, November 4, 2004
- kim du Toit - Just In Time For Christmas list of guns especially designed for children
- My copy of Michael C. Rupert's Crossing the Rubicon
- Charley Reese at - A Storm Is Coming
- Steve Bell at Guardian Unlimited - 4-11-04
- Keiran at Crooked Timber - Red Counties, Blue Counties and Occupied Counties Robert Vanderbei's "Purple America" map
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Thank You, Mike!
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from The Free State Project
- George F. Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - A Time to Kill
- Scott Bieser at The Libertarian Enterprise - Bush Saved My Marriage: Some musings from a non-apathetic non-voter first one second
- Ron Beatty at The Libertarian Enterprise - Reflections on an Election
- I just put together yesterday that the Manchester Firing Line Range Pink Pistols
- Steve Johnson and Andrew Balls at The Financial Times - Dollar expected to fall amid China's rumoured selling Canadian dollar
- Ben Irvin and Robert Hawes at The Mental Militia - Come Home, Libertarians! Free West Alliance
- Debra at - Gulchers, take note! AlphaRubicon Bare Bones Combat Conditioning Package
- avguy at Film Strip International - You're an Asshole
- Paul Craig Roberts - The American Century Is Over
- John Ross - Reflections on Race, Politics, the Election, and a Conversation with Mom
- Carl F. Worden at The Price of Liberty - Fallujah: The Iraqi Alamo
- Dale Amon at - Finally!
- The Militant Libertarian - F-ing with Collectors
- Mozilla Firefox
- Larry Chin at Online Journal via From the Wilderness - The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell here Crossing The Rubicon Mike Malloy Wednesday, November 3, 2004 Webster Tarpley Peak Oil From The Wilderness Richard Heinberg
- Tom Knapp - Right before our eyes
- Marc Cooper at LA Weekly - U.S. of Amnesia
- Charley Reese at - State Chauvinism
- Claire Wolfe - The Evil One is gone! resignation quote
- George Potter at - ...polite society here
- Sensitive Light favourites
- The Onion - Housemate Reject Third-Roommate Debt-Relief Plan
- No Quarters - Now this is to strange to believe
- John Ross - Fun and Games With TV Ad Responses, , or Engaging in a Battle of Wits With an Unarmed Opponent
- Andy Steadman at No Treason - The Slippery Slope of Knife Control
- LA Indymedia - Westwood Anti-Occupation Demonstration Pictures here
- George Paine at Warblogging - The Logic of Criminal Regimes
- Fred on Everything - Buckshot And Designer Water
- R. Lee Wrights at Liberty for All - It just ain't none of my business Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do, The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in a Free Country
- Remington Law Enforcement - Model 7600P Patrol Rifle 870P MAX Shotgun Remington Law Enforcement Catalog
- Andy Steadman at No Treason - What are your favorite things? from The Sound of Music
- Curt Anderson at Guardian Unlimited - Ashcroft Condemns Judges Who Question Bush
- Pace at - The Versatile Shotgun Law Enforcement, Military and Personal Defense
- John Ross - The Tree Has a Fork in It, or Whither the Democrats? Part II
- SoftwariuM - Restore Desktop 2.0
- NonagsPlus Kate Graham
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - November 2004: A Near Run Thing
- Jacob G. Hornberger at - Submit or Die: The Conquest of Falluja flattened and "pacified" Waco
- Robert Klassen at - 30-40-30
- Charley Reese at - Trust God, Not Man
- The image to the right is from
- My family watched The Incredibles
- Li YongYan at Asia Times - Anger rages in Sichuan
- Dennis Roddy at The Pittsburgh Post Gazette - The Army's long arm
- Stan Goff at From the Wilderness - The Privilege of Running Free Deficits Belongs To One Nation Alone"
- John DeRosier at The Albany (NY) Times Union - Whack a mole
- I did my part yesterday for National Ammo Day/Week
- The image on the right-side of the title box is a HitMaps
- My Ancap Wiki
- Google Press Release - Google Acquires Keyhole Corp Keyhole
- Jeff Danziger at Marc Brands' Liberty News - A "Moral Values" Voter at War
- Sunni Maravillosa at - Balance of Power: Political Power
- Pat Oliphant - Secwatawy of State? 11/17 comic
- Today is National Ammo Day
- Sunni Maravillosa at Endervidualism - Balance of Power: Political Power
- Bill Whittle - Short Final
- Thomas Walkom at The Toronto Star - Should Canada indict Bush?
- Vin Supryniwicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - What do police departments really do?
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - The Middle East Quagmire
- Paul Craig Roberts at - Virtuous Violence Is Upon Us
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Taurus PT 145 Millennium Pro .45 ACP Pistol
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Taurus Tracker .44 Magnum Revolver
- Kevin Tuma - Virgins
- Old Horseman -
Open Letter to Libertarians
Vermont Carry National Vermont Carry National Index RKBA My Permit Was Granted in 1791
- Damaged Justice - More Stupid Security
- Dave Workman at Gun Week - GRPC Final Part: Activists Told National CCW In Sight on Political Horizon
- Matt Davies at Marc Brands' Liberty News - The White House Pianist
- Greg Perry at - This Advice Might Save Your Life: Don't Bring Ayn Rand to a Gun Fight Guncrafter Industries
- Gary North at - When You Won't Be Able to Find a Physician
- Jacob G. Hornberger at - The Right To Keep and Bear Arms
- Bill Whittle - For Sale
- Fred on Everything - Be Good, Chillun: Gitmo Gonna Getcha
- Nuclear Druid at The Claire Files - Weeklong media blitz against homeschoolers
- Michael Bradshaw at The Libertarian Enterprise - Fixing the Tiger
- L. Reichard White at The Libertarian Enterprise Greetings from Falluja
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - We'll be busting your door in The Voluntary City
- Peter Lyon at Auto Express - Eliica eight-wheeler
- Charlie Hardman - killing to eat meat
- Claire Wolfe at Loompanics - The Most Valuable Commodity
- U.S. News & World Report - An Intrusive new search
- David Jay Brown at Digital Falcon - President Hannibal Lector & the Thing That Ate the Constitution: An Interview with Robert Anton Wilson
- Michael Tennant at Strike the Root - One, Two, Many Somalias
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Raising the Debt Limit- A Disgrace S.2986 voted voted
- Project Honey Pot here
- Google Desktop Search
- Laurent Destailleur - AWStats
- Tom Toles at The Washington Post -
The Reorganization of the CIA Is Now Complete
- 4o. del Tren - Supadubya
- Emily Yoffe at Slate - Guinea Get Your Gun: How I learned to love firearms.
- Mark Egan at Reuters - Veteran CBS News Anchor Dan Rather Resigns
- Mike Wasdin at Strike the Root - Libertarianism Is Immoral
- Perry de Havilland at - A moment of utter clarity
- I love Google Desktop Search
- Richard J. Maybury at Property Rights Research - The Great Thanksgiving Hoax this Sagebrush Saloon post
- Phyllis Schlafly - No child left unmedicated
- Reuters via MSNBC - Calif. teacher prohibited from giving Declaration of Independence Stevens Creek Elementary School contact page
- Eminem - Encore black hooded sweatshirt
- Craig Urda Russell at Endervidualism - Blood, Power, and Freedom
- Nicky Samengo-Turner at The Spectator -
New Labour's police state
- Bruce Simpson at - Do you need a cheap cruise missile? low-costcruise missile last year
- anonymous at Fred's M14 Stocks - Kofi: "Before you step on the rattlesnake...
- Metropipe - The Portable Virtual Privacy Machine Damn Small Linux qemu
- Dave Johnson at Seeing the Forest - "Declaration Of Independence Banned" - It's A Lie! Stevens Creek Elementary School story ranted about
- Ron Paul at - Stay Out of Sudan's Civil War
- GeekWithA.45 - With Respect To The Question of The Unwanted Laying On of Hands...
- Craig Roberts at - You Have Papers?
- Savage Arms - Model 210F Slug Warrior
- Wild West Guns -
Model 04
- David Salisbury - Non-Coercive Parenting (or A Person is a Person No Matter How Small) How To Argue and Win Every Time: At Home, At Work, In Court, Everywhere, Everyday
- Michael Bradshaw - The United States House of Repeals I'm Tired California Ballot Initiative page
- myshtern at Discrete Autos Forum - Professionals at work
- Turn Your Back on Bush about this action
- Kaptain Kanada a.k.a. Manuel Miles at The Libertarian Enterprise - Soviet Canada: Trotsky's Triumph
- Kim du Toit - Police States Brit in London
- Publicola - Coming To Terms With Gun Control
- Edgar J. Steele - Seven Dirty Words seven dirty words
- Michael Gaddy at Sierra Times - Gun Owners Relinquish Their Constitutional Rights
- Charley Reese at - Use It or Lose It
- Bryan E. Sampieri .htaccess
- Michael Amstadt - x-friend Lucene Google Desktop