December 2004
Wednesday, 1 December: Good to be King
- Kim du Toit - Lessons Of The 20th Century Civil Disobediance here
- Michael Badnarik - Good to be King: The Foundation of Our Constitutional Freedom Rights vs Privileges my web site
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - The Tasteless Screeners Awards
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - A Backwoods Homestead Christmas Gift List
- Jesse Walker at Reason - The East Turned Upside Down: Carnival and conspiracy in Ukraine
- weebies at Strike the Root - Egalitarianism: The Holy Grail of Socialism
- Paul Gilfeather at the (UK) Sunday Mirror - Fallujah Napalmed
- Nat Hentoff at The Village Voice - Worse Than Ashcroft
- Nicki Fellenzer at Armed Females of America - Gun Grabbers Say the Damnedest Things!
- Bernadine Smith at Armed Females of America - The Right to Keep and Bear Arms Is an Absolute Right Beyond the Purview of Public Officials
- Chris Hedges at New York Review of Books - On War
- Jonathan A. Adler at National Review - High Court High Anxiety
- Kim du Toit - I Wasn't Kidding
- Anthony Gregory at Strike the Root - The State: A Reductio ad Absurdum
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Smith & Wesson's Improved Sigma 9mm Auto
- Steve Sack at The Star Tribune - The Sky's the Limit
- Dave Workman at The Second Amendment Foundation - Wisconsin case about murder, not political football
- Gerard Holmgren at Serendipity - Debunking Conspiracy Theorists here
- Jim Davies at Strike the Root - Do You Know the Way to...Liberty? The Anarchist Alternative Freedom section
- Naomi Klein at Guardian Unlimited - You asked for my evidence, Mr Ambassador. Here it is
- Henrietta Bowman at Sierra Times - Fallujah Napalmed
- - Wrong-Way Jock
- Firearms References
- Fred on Everything - Wars And Their Aftermath: Things Seldom Spoken Of
- Ruger - Super Redhawk Alaskan
- T.J. Siatos at Guns and Ammo Magazine - A Polar Bear "First"
- Brad Menfil at Global Research - Voter Fraud in Florida and Ohio: Kerry Won the Election by at least 1.7 Million Votes
- Karl W. B. Schwarz at Online Journal - Pop goes the Bush mythology bubble: Part 1: The 9-11 Commission author of One Way Ticket to Crawford Texas
- The Coalition to Prevent Assault Weapon Violence FAQ page
- Ryan Sager at Tech Central Station - The Killing of Peter McWilliams McWilliams
- Paul Craig Roberts at - Is the Bush Administration Certifiable?
- Steve Coll at The Washington Post via MSNBC - Mistakes marked Tillman's 'friendly fire' death
- Scott Bieser at Big Head Press - The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel Laissez-Faire Books Renaissance Books Liberty Book Shop here
- Robert Murphy at The Ludwig von Mises Institute - People Can Just Get Along
- William Rivers Pitt at Truthout - Conyers to Hold Hearings on Ohio Vote Fraud
- Bill Whittle - Notes from the Publisher, New Material, and My Dinner with Sauron
- George Paine at Warblogging - Ghetto on the Euphrates
- Sunni Maravillosa at The Price of Liberty - The FDA is Going to Kill Me
- Kim du Toit - Taurus Mod 62 (.22 LR)
- Mark Steyn at The Telegraph - An Englishman's home is his dungeon
- Ron Paul at - Ron Paul Denounces National ID Card S.2845 vote of 336 to 75 vote of 89 to 2 GPO PDF of the bill
- Carol Moore - The Davidian Massacre Pages Ms. Moore's home page
- Sunni Maravillosa - A So-called Third World Country Beats the U.S.
- Paul Craig Roberts at Counterpunch - War Crime
- Doug Newman at Strike the Root - Christian Compassion That Kills Denver Rocky Mountain News
- Steve Minutillo - Feed on Feeds I did
- Joseph R. Stromberg at - The Real Constitution Discovered in Parallel Universe
- The Empire Journal - Albany Woman Forcibly Injected With Drugs After Protesting Regulations of DMV
- Liz Ditz -
Steven Williams and the Alliance Defense Fund: 15 Minutes of Fame
Mercury News
- Scott Martelle at The Los Angeles Times via Seattle Times - Foreign dissidents facing U.S. hurdles to publishing
- Donald W. Miller, Jr. at - A User-Friendly Vaccination Schedule Mercury on the Mind Vaccines: A Second Opinion
- Kevin Tuma - Oil for Food
- L. Neil Smith and Scott Bieser - The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
- Karl W. B. Schwarz at Online Journal - Pop goes the Bush mythology bubble, Part 2: 9/11 Commission and Bridas
- Google Suggest
- Chris Floyd at The Moscow Times - Home Cooking
- Charles Shaw of Newtopia via Alternet - Unembedded in Iraq Dahr Jamail images area
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Libertarian Enterprise At Three Hundred
- Kathryn A. Graham at The Libertarian Enterprise - Bill of Rights Day
- James J Odle at The Libertarian Enterprise - Toward a 'practical, real-world, hard-nosed, get-your-hands-dirty' political education: Part 2
- John Taylor Gatto at Reliable Answers - Bootie Zimmer's Choice large number of copies
- Occupant No-name at The Claire Files - Presentation revolver for Sec. Rumsfeld, Presented by America's citizenry
- Butler Shaffer at - The Case for Ebeneezer
- Jurek Martin at Financial Times - Letter to America
- Joe Huffman - The Jews In The Attic Test
- Fred Reed at - Read Your Newspaper Albany Times Union
- Ron Paul at - Ignoring Reality in Iraq
- Mike Luckovich at Marc Brands Liberty - Rumsfield the Reindeer
- Matt Furey's Combat Conditioning Bullworker Lifeline USA Power Pushup 2 Chest Expander
- Burnley Knives Blade
- Alex Ross - Sucking Democracy Dry
- Scrapper at Train for Strength - Workouts
- putrimalu asked for my analysis of Tim Larkin's Nuclear Weapons
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Future Regulators of America
- Brad Blog Too - Clint Curtis 'stuns' Judiciary Comm Hearings in Ohio with 'jaw Dropping' Sworn Testimony! Tom Feeney
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Y2K + 5
- Joel Spolsky - Camels and Rubber Duckies
- Russmo - Unintended Consequences
- Cory Doctorow at boingboing - Boing Boing has a linking policy GPL doesn't in policies dangerous no in and break norms make Web They're wicked idea
- The Onion - Nigeria Chosen to Host 2008 Genocides
- Publicola - SF Proposed Gun Ban - The Text this San Francisco Chronicle article
- Jeff Head - Dragon's Fury - Collector's Edition here
- Rick Lynch at The Washington Times - Giving away our freedoms
- David Heinemeier Hansson - Rails Ruby
- Ronald Bailey at Tech Central Station - The Kyoto Protocol is Dead
- Vianuovo - In the Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo Mr. Barlow's account
- Steven G. Bradbury, Howard C. Nielson, Jr., and C. Kevin Marshall at the U.S. Department of Justice - Whether the Second Amendment Secures an Individual Right
- "German Guy" via Saxon at The Dream Expedition - December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks here
- Jason at Fish or Man - I Am Finished
- Rachel Lucas, The Blue-Eyed Infidel - Most Important News Of All Time
- Rachel Lucas, The Blue-Eyed Infidel - Look how pretty Lindsay Lohan is
- Karl W. B. Schwarz at Online Journal - Pop goes the Bush mythology bubble, Part 3: 9-11 served a multitude of purposes
- Joseph Sobran - The Reluctant Anarchist
- Charley Reese at - The Three Stooges
- Ebenezer Miles aka Kapt Grinch (a.k.a. Manuel Miles) at The Libertarian Enterprise - A Hippie Christmas Carol
- Dave Workman at Armed Females of America - `Twas the night before Christmas
- Gerard Baker at The Times - Howdy friends! What a year!
- Bill Nevins - Committing Poetry in Time of War back in May Revolution X Poetic Justice Institute
- George Potter at - ...and Justice for All
- Paul Craig Roberts at - A System Bereft of Justice
- Alexander Cockburn at Counterpunch - From Kobe Bryant to Uncle Sam: Why They Hated Gary Webb "suicide" of Gary Webb
- - Comrade Santa's Coming to Town
- My copy of L. Neil Smith and Scott Bieser's The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
- Ron Paul at Armed Females of America - Congressman Too Truthful
- Thom Hartmann at Common Dreams - Hyping Terror For Fun, Profit - And Power The Power of Nightmares here here here The Committee on the Present Danger
- From: Sarah Brady <>
- Federal Aviation Administration - William J. Hughes Technical Center 9/11 Timeline
- Jim Davies at Strike the Root - Roads to Serfdom
- Bernard Chapin at Strike the Root - Chapter 1: The Pen Really Is Mightier Than the Sword A School Engineered to Fall
- Columbia River Knife & Tool - Steve Corkum First Strike for sale at
- Greg Quinn at Gunblast - New KA-BAR Folding Knives these and a host of other KA-BAR knives Warthog
- Tim Hunkin - Illegal Engineering
- Ed Frawley - What Would I Do if Attacked by a Dog? Target Focus Training
- Kim du Toit - Next Year In Bethlehem
- William S. Lind at Little Stalingrad
- William S. Lind at - Tactics of the Crescent Moon this book
- AP via USA Today - TSA holiday reminder: Be prepared for airport security checks
- # Tor EFF instructions for running Tor on Win32
- Jim Taylor at Gunblast - Christmas Eve 1896
- My back bridge
- My mom sent us a box of Harry and David
- Charley Hardman - raise a glass to bernhard
- Sierra at Fish or Man - Today the following
- Brian Micklethwait at - "My name is Potter ... Harry Potter ..." Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- Ron Avitzur at Pacific Tech - The Graphing Calculator Story
- - Stepping Up
- Ben Sargent via The Militant Libertarian - The Rumsfeld Body Armor
- Claire Wolfe - MERRY CHRISTMAS: From the Desert Hermitage
- The power supply for the PS Audio PS Audio History page
- Publicola - Chapter One
- Chris Floyd at The Moscow Times - Poison Pen
- Robert J. Avrech at Jewish Press - Jews And Guns
- - Twelve Myths About Direct Action
- The Foxfire Book at - Making Gunpowder
- I made my mother's Chocolate Mint Pie
- Amy Harmon at The New York Times -
How About Not 'Curing' Us, Some Autistics Are Pleading
- Jim Sinclair at The Autism Information Library - Don't Mourn For Us
- L. Neil Smith - On Concealed Carry and the NRA
- Robinson Armament - XCR™ Modular Weapon System video page
- Kim du Toit - New Shooter Update
- I posted another comment Today and
- From a comment Today Fish or Man
- Stephen Baker and Chad Mirkin at Business Week - Rebuilding Things "Atom by Atom"
- George Paine at Warblogging - The Smoking Gun
- Brad Spangler - It Is a Good Time to Be an Anarchist
- Frederick Mann at - The Anatomy of Slavespeak
- Charlie Hardman - Excercises in Sanity Jaco Pastorius
- I posted another comment Today Fish or Man and Chaos Theory The Freeman's Constitution Zero Aggression Principle
- Fred on Everything - Down With Education: Sort of
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - December 2004: Happy New Year! Ruger "Frontiersman"
- George F. Smith at Strike the Root - Season's Greetings from the Fed
- From Undesiderata
- Tom Toles via The Militant Libertarian - Fodder...
- My boss bought a Smith & Wesson 500 4" Revolver
- Google - Tsunami Relief
- Kathryn A. Graham at Armed Females of America - Felons and Guns Revisited
- World Net Daily - Gun control doesn't reduce crime, violence, say studies
November | December 2004 | January 2005