Bill of Rights Day, 2004
Matt Furey's
Combat Conditioning book arrived yesterday. Very
interesting. He recommends starting with a month of 15 minutes per day
of the "Royal Court": Hindu Squats, Hindu Pushups, and the King of the
Royal Court, the Back Bridge. I intend to do this, though I don't last
for anywhere near 15 minutes now, being as fat and out of shape as I
have become. My son touched his nose to the floor on his first try at
the back bridge. I can't even push myself up. Guess I need to get a
"stability ball" and work up. Don't know yet whether my $35 was well
spent, but the squats and pushups were definitely invigorating on my
first try.
In college, I used a
Bullworker isometric excercise device (that my Dad bought but
never used) to work up one summer to being able to do a handstand
pushup. I lifted weights after that, and got to the point where I
could do ten hand-stand pushups against the wall. Now I can't do
one. Time to get back in shape. I really like the idea of body-weight
excercises that I can do anywhere with no equipment.
Ever marketer that he is, Mr. Furey included an essay entitled "How to
Eliminate Shoulder Pain", recommending the
Lifeline USA
Power Pushup 2 and
Chest Expander. These look interesting, but I don't intend to buy
anything else (except the stability ball) until I've proven to myself
that I'm serious and that Mr. Furey's excercise recommendations work
for me. Wish me luck.
# Burnley Knives sells the handcrafted creations of 22-year-old Lucas Burnley. Pictured below is the Scorpion. The February 2005 issue of Blade magazine advertised this knife at $185, but the web site says $210. Yum. [blade]