January 2005
Saturday, 1 January: New Years 2005
- I got a new fuse yesterday for my twenty-year-old PS Audio
- John Kaminsky - JohnKaminsky.com WarFolly.com pivotal essay
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - The Little Trailer that Could
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - The Christmas Grinch List
- Clive Thompson at Wired - The BitTorrent Effect distributed download
- RemainStanding.com
- GeekWithA.45 - Saved by the Hammer...
- Defense Training International - John Farnam's Quips Defense Training International
- mASS BACKWARDS - New Hampshire
- Alan Singer at Counterpunch - A Very Dangerous Democrat: An Encounter with Senator Charles Schumer
- Justin Raimondo at Antiwar.com - The Great Crime Spree of 2004
- Charley Reese at LewRockwell.com - Perspective
- Michael Gaddy at LewRockwell.com via The Price of Liberty - All Government Is Evil
- Mike Wasdin at Strike the Root - The War on Humanity
- Joel Spolsky at Joel on Software - Advice for Computer Science College Students
- JPFO Alerts - Vital Warning to All Owners of Semiautomatic Firearms video
- Claire Wolfe - New USB flash drive and CD-bootable Linuxes SanDisk Cruzer Mini USB Flash Drive PCLinuxOS
- I picked up last night from my local gun shop a new Lee 4-Hole Turret Press
- forevergeek - Make Firefox Faster
- MoneyWallet
- Charley Hardman - a dream Weather Report Black Market Mr. Gone
- povray.org - the Persistence of Vision Raytracer
- David Wiggins - How to Defeat the United States Army in Your Underpants!
- Billy Beck - Hate Them. Hate Them. Always. this story
- Sunni Maravillosa - Project Announcement Time!
- Doug French at LewRockwell.com - A Tale of the Resistance The Black Arrow
- From the home page of Leighton Armitage Foothill College
- Chan Lowe via Marc Brands Liberty - Gonzales New Attorney General
- Joe Vialls - Did New York Orchestrate The Asian Tsunami?
- Ahmad Al-Qloushi at FrontPage Magazine - Dissident Arab Gets the Treatment received similar treatment
- Aaron Turpen, The Militant Libertarian - The Council on Foreign Relations
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - No certainty about Africans and HIV AIDS in Africa?
- June Maxam at The Empire Journal - Rick Stanley Attorney: No Oath, No Authority
- Christopher Rudy and Kurt Nimmo at Rense.com - Incredible - Frist's Bill Defines 'Political Paranoia' As 'Mental Illness'
- 60 Minutes - Big Rifle A Terrorist Tool?
- Chris Reeves Knives - Green Beret Yarborough Knife
- Steward Carlson at Marc Brands Liberty - The Consequences of Making Bogus Charges Based on Faulty Information-Gathering
- Nicki Fellenzer's Liberty Zone - I'm such a sellout weblog KeepAndBearArms.com and National Spokesperson (politically correct, n'est-ce pas?) for Armed Females of America
- GeekWithA.45 - The Ultimate Fanny Pack Cover... this High Road thread
- Ron Paul before the House of Representatives via LewRockwell.com - Government IDs and Identity Theft Thomas
- Halffast at Frugal Squirrel's Patriot Fiction section -
Lights Out - Chap. 67: Politics
- Ron Paul - H. R. 220 Government IDs and Identity Theft
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Alexander Arms 6.5mm Grendel AR-15 Rifle Alexander Arms
- Joshua Dowling at The Sydney Morning Herald -
Terror-proof car is latest accessory
- Author unknown - Something for Stevie
- John Lott at The Volokh Conspiracy - Commentary on the National Academy of Sciences Report
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - You Blighted Nations
- Claire Wolfe - I'm going to be writing for ... gulp! ... S.W.A.T. magazine
- Amazon.com -
Flybar Model 1200
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Security Syndrome
- Kaptain Kanada, a.k.a. Manuel Miles at The Libertarian Enterprise - Shore Leave
- Rocky Frisco - High School Guns Page banning of props
- Matt Furey - Combat Abs Flybar Model 1200 Farmer Burns Catch Wrestling Book
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Bob Gets Government ID
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - What about those who aren't dying of AIDS? AliveAndWell.org
- Jacob G. Hornberger at The Future of Freedom Foundation - Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to America
- Justin Raimondo at antiwar.com - Abu Ghraib -- a policy, not an aberration the real perpetrators
- Fred Reed at LewRockwell.com - Robot Factories
- Tom Gresham at The High Road - Neal Knox -- Condition Not Good obituary NealKnox.com Rainbow Children's Home
- Harry Browne - Should the U.S. Military Be Allowed to Use Torture? read the Bill of Rights
home.earthlink.net/~blackthursday www.black-thursday.com/home.html www.notonedamndime.com www.left-turn.net/jan20/january20.html www.gasolineboycottday.org www.bushblackout.com www.counter-inaugural.org J20 events flyer www.turnyourbackonbush.org internationalanswer.org www.bushblackout.com rightmarch.com protestwarrior.com
- Mike Wasdin at Strike the Root - I'm Taking the Blue Pill
- Associated Press via The Houston Chronicle - AG nominee supports assault weapons ban
- For posterity, yesterday's blacked out blog index page is here here
- The Spiridellis Brothers at JibJab - Second Term
- David McIntyre - Plugh.com xyzzy sundae.triumf.ca/pub2/cave/node001.html executables
- Mike Whitney at Counterpunch - Flags, Cops and F-16s: Coronation in the Garrison State
- George Bush at Fox News - Transcript: Bush's Address
- Deuce of Clubs - Legal Piracy
- Deuce of Clubs Switcheroo: Reasons Not to Direct Link Images
- Not in Our Name - Statements of Conscience Against War and Repression statement
- GeekWithA.45 - Targeting Data
- I upgraded my Windows machine to Emacs
- From the March/April 2005 issue of American Handgunner
- John de Rosier at The Albany (NY) Times Union - 2005 Inauguration (Guantanamo Broadcast)
- Lalo Alcaraz at Marc Brands Liberty - Inauguration
- Roderick T. Long at Liberty & Power: Group Blog - Free At Last anarchist
- David Codrea in Guns Magazine - "Safe Schools"
- Edgar J. Steele - White Rape
- Seymour Hersh in The New Yorker via Infoshop News - The Coming Wars
- Aljazeera.net - Arabs Wary of Bush's 'Freedom' Speech
- William S. Lind at LewRockwell.com - Coming Unglued
- I put the plastic over the window frames yesterday. Late this year. Raggin' fraggin' physobs
- Steve Sack at Marc Brands Liberty - Diplomacy
- Mark Twain - The War Prayer
- EnjoyTheDraft.com - Widows Accomplished
- Derek Kieper and Butch Mabin at Unknown News - Individual rights buckle under seat belt laws
- Gary North at LewRockwell.com - My Fellow Americans... Wall Street and FDR The Best Enemy Money Can Buy Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
- Chris Floyd at The Moscow Times - American Terror The Coming Wars
- Jack Dalton at Veterans Against the War - To War Or Not To War, That Is The Question Project for the Old American Century
- Lynn Elber at Netscape TV News - Carson Recalled As Master of His TV Craft
- Lex Concord at The Libertarian Enterprise - If at First You Don't Succeed...
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - That Kind of Uncle
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Jim Davidson, with reply from George F. Smith
- John Taylor at The Libertarian Enterprise - Call for Papers
- Jackie Spinner at The Washington Post -
In One Night, Iraqi Turns From Friend to Foe
- Russmo.com - Imagery
- Roscoe at KimDuToit.com - Hunting In The Home
- Brother Veritus' Website - New Energy Disclosure Initiative Disclosure Project
- Theodore C. Loder, III at The Disclosure Project - "Outside the Box" Space and Terrestrial Transportation and Energy Technologies for the 21st Century
- K-Meleon
- From this High Road discussion
- Butler Shaffer at LewRockwell.com - The Sociopathic Cult
- Julius No - I must admit, I have alot more respect for mules
- Stephen P. Halbrook - Girl Beats Guys: A Swiss Teen Rifle Festival
- Google Video
- John Perry Barlow - The Intimate Planet
- bob lonsberry - The Next Civil Rights Fight
- Claire Wolfe - Today, the Alberto "The Torturer" Gonzales nomination heads for a full Senate vote something to say about it
- William Coleman at The Social Affairs Unit - Anti-Economics: As Dangerous as the Guillotine?
- Sunni Maravillosa - Why I Like Men, and What I Like about Them
- The Reload Bench
- Susie Quinn at LewRockwell.com - Letter to a Grandson
- Massad Ayoob at Backwoods Home Magazine - Firearms: tools of rural living
- Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - One More Innocent American Entrapped by the Lying BATFE Innocents Betrayed
- We the People - U.S. Court of Appeals Rules IRS Cannot Apply Force Against A Tax Payer Without A Court Order
- Harry Browne at LewRockwell.com - Why I Am Obsessed With War in his speech
- Boge Quinn at Gunblast - SHOT Show 2005 - Day 1 Day 2 here
- Smith & Wesson - 460 XCR
- John Farnam's Quips - 18Jan05: M-14s are back!
- Francis A Ney, Jr. at The Libertarian Enterprise - Freedom Starts at Home
December 2004 | January 2005 | February