Pea Soup
Halffast at Frugal Squirrel's Patriot Fiction section -
Lights Out - Chap. 67: Politics - Yay! A new chapter in the EMP
story. Free registration required, or use the BugMeNot
link. [highroad]
# Ron Paul - H. R. 220, the "Identity Theft Prevention Act of 2005", is the bill Dr. Paul referenced in Government IDs and Identity Theft, to which I linked yesterday. I sent the following to my congress critter: [Thomas]
I urge you to co-sponsor H.R. 220, the "Identity Theft Prevention Act of 2005". This act will help prevent identity theft by forbidding government agencies from sharing identifying numbers for individuals. It will also prevent American police from being turned into the East German Stasi, demanding "papers please" on every street corner. No matter how bad the terrorist problem becomes, that "solution" would be much, much worse.
# Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Alexander Arms 6.5mm Grendel AR-15 Rifle - I've read about the 6.5mm Grendel rifle before, but never in as much detail as here. Alexander Arms also sells .50 Beowolf uppers and rifles. I'm sorely tempted by both calibers. [gunblast]
Joshua Dowling at The Sydney Morning Herald -
Terror-proof car is latest accessory - Ford has built the Synus
concept vehicle, basically a small armored truck. [root]