Sy Leon
"The question is not whether the system works, but whether we like the way it works. Just because something works doesn't mean it is desirable. Concentration camps work, if your purpose is to enslave people. Stealing works, if all you care about is money. Lying works, if you don't give a damn about your personal integrity. Literally anything, no matter how monstrously immoral will work, depending on your desires and how you define the term work." -- Sy Leonand:
"[A]lthough some of the goods and services provided by government are essential, it is not essential that they be provided by government." -- Sy Leon
From kaba:
"One man with courage is a majority." -- Thomas Jefferson
# 60 Minutes - Big Rifle A Terrorist Tool? - in case you don't have enough to raise your gall today, here's the transcript of the hogwash that ran on CBS at 7pm (eastern time) Sunday night. Tom Diaz needs to study history. He makes noise about the .50 BMG rifle being a military weapon. Well, that's exactly the sort of weapon to which the Second Amendment applies. We the people are supposed to have unrestricted access to the military arms of the day, so that every public "servant" remains constantly in fear for his life. When they're afraid, we're free. [scopeny]
# Chris Reeves Knives - Green Beret - this is the famous US Army Special Forces Yarborough Knife with the "Yarborough" removed for civilian sales. Available with a 5.5 or 7 inch blade for $290 or $300, respectively. An ad from the National Independent Cutlery Association in the March 2005 edition of Blade magazine, advertises for $400 a special edition of the 5 inch version, with Coco bolo handles and a custom leather sheath, "available only in member stores". [blade]