September 2005
Thursday, 1 September: Bob Moog, RIP
- Moog Music - Bob's Body Leaves Us
- Kim du Toit - Simple Question
- After a number of hours of work last night, I got Apache's Jakarta Commons HTTP Client MediaWiki RFC 2109
- Tocci - I Can't Afford My Gasoline
- Claire Wolfe - The Claire Files Forum
- Paul Palmer at - Comments on 'Changing World Technologies' Plan to Turn Garbage into Oil Changing World Technologies
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Fit, Not Fat, but Definitely Fifty: or What's in Claire's Bug-Out Bag?
- Paul Craig Roberts at Counterpunch - Another Terrible Casualty of the Iraq War: How New Orleans was Lost
- John R. Lott, Jr. and Sonya D. Jones at - In Defense of Price Gouging
- John Ross - Feminism's Terrible Blunder, or Want to "Have It All"? Then Don't Do It Backwards
- CNN - Mayor of New Orleans
- Tom Knapp - When it absolutely, positively must be screwed up overnight ... private charities
- Mark Fischetti at Scientific American - Drowning New Orleans
- Nicki Felenzer - Leaving tonight
- Bob Wallace at The Price of Liberty - Gun Control Equals Murder
- any others." -- Harry J. Anslinger, 1937
- L. Neil Smith -
Tom Paine Maru
available for download
- Scott Bieser - The Time Sink
- David Benzion at Lone Star Times - People help others absent government coercion
- Deanna Spingola at News with Views - William Rodriguez, A 9-11 Survivor
- Gina Holland of Associated Press via Comcast News - Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies of Cancer
- Simon Pole - Novel Legal Manoeuvre in Emery Case Paddy Roberts Bloc BC this Brian Taylor post
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Smith & Wesson Models 619 and 620 .357 Magnum Revolvers
- YouSentIt
- Gun Week - Cons Teaching Cons How to Defeat Tasers
- David M. Ewalt at Forbes Magazine - The 20 Most Important Tools
- Rich Lucibella at The Claire Files Forum - Re: Have You Gotten Your Monthly SWAT Yet? S.W.A.T. Magazine online store
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Good Mornin' America, How Are Ya?
- Ron Beatty at The Libertarian Enterprise - Death From Government
- Mike Wasdin at Strike the Root - In a Land of Sheep
- John Roach at National Geographic - Why Fire Walking Doesn't Burn: Science or Spirituality?
- Josh Manheimer - Handgun Club of America membership benefits registration page Norwich, Vermont
- Dave Workman at Gun Week - Picking New .45 Colt Loads For Ruger's New Vaquero
- Freeciv Civilization
- The Onion - Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over'
- Loretta Nall - The Great Prison Panty Rebellion of Alabama
- Robert Tracinski at The Intellectual Activist - An Unnatural Disaster: A Hurricane Exposes the Man-Made Disaster of the Welfare State
- Vin Supryniwicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - Let's not confuse 'rights' with mandates
- quiet at The Claire Files Forum - Re: Price Gouging
- Tom Toles at - Bubbles
- Mr. Fish at Harpers - Iraqi Voting
- - Easy Pickin's
- Mark Fiore at the Marijuana Policy Project - Pain Man
- Bill Whittle - Tribes The Bulletproof Mind
- CNN - Bob Denver, TV's 'Gilligan,' dies at 70
- Binghamton, NY Press & Sun-Bulletin - Summer Died Today
- Alex Berenson and Timothy Williams a The New York Times -
New Orleans Begins Confiscating Firearms as Water Recedes
here here
- Skytrooper at The Claire Files Forum - Re: A Libertarian Justice System: My Vision
- The Dunedan at The Claire Files Forum - Reclaiming Robin Hood; A Short Essay
- Gregg Keizer at Information Week - FEMA Aid Site Blocks Access To Firefox, Macs, Linux Users Apply for Assistance
- Annalee Newitz at AlterNet - Connect the Dots
- Electronic Frontier Foundation - Is Your Printer Spying On You? test sheets
- PenguinsScareMe at The Claire Files Forums - And that's how you DON'T do that
- Scott Bieser - TSHTF
- Valhall at - I just got back from a FEMA Detainment Camp
- Sunni Maravillosa - Katrina Survivors are Detainees?!
- GeekWithA.45 - Livid: Door to Door Gun Confiscations From Law Abiding Citizens In NOLA...
- Skytrooper at The Claire Files Forum - Re: A Libertarian Justice System: My Vision
- Amminex - Hydrogen Storage
- John in Central Texas at Lonestar MVPA - Hurricane Katrina - Labor Day 2005
- John Ross - Thoughts on Tragedy, or JR Doles Out "Tough Love" in the Wake of Katrina
- John Ross - Thoughts on Large-Scale Tragedy II, or Is Nature More Devastating Than Terrorism, and If So, Why Don't We Act Like It?
- Neil Alexander - Traffic Accident
- Carl F. Worden at Sierra Times - So Where Is The NRA???
- Kurt Nimmo - Katrina and the Constitution: the Rules Have Changed Brian Williams
- Dave Kopel at Reason - Defenseless On the Bayou
- Pawpaw - Gun Confiscation?
- Cindy Sheehan at p What Kind of Extremist Will You Be?
- Peter McKnight at The Vancouver Sun - Cotler caught in a web of hemp
- Jason Cherniak - Tommy Chong came before Emery
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Smith & Wesson's .460 XVR Magnum Revolver
- Eric S. Raymond - Microsoft tries to recruit me
- - How to Obscure Any URL
- Last night, I moved The Claire Files Forums to
- Claire Wolfe at Loompanics - How To Kill the Job Culture Before It Kills You at Claire's site
- Hal Turner - Explosive Residue Found on Failed Levee Debris!
- John Sabotta at No Treason - Shoot The Sheepdogs
- iPowerWeb The Claire Files Forums
- Mike Whitney at Information Clearing House - Jose Padilla and The Death of Liberty
- Joe Plummer at Strike the Root - We Have the Advantage
- Mike Wasdin at Strike the Root - In Search of a Scapegoat
- GeekWithA.45 - The Fog Of...Reality...
- - EBay to buy Internet telephone firm Skype zFone here
- EM America - Effective Microorganisms
- Wolfgang Gruener at Tom's Hardware Samsung builds foundation for 32 GByte Flash cards
- I received my Becker Knife & Tool (BK&T) Brute from KnifeCenter
- Jeremy Scahill and Daniela Crespo at t r u t h o u t - Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans
- Marc Stevens - Adventures in Legal Land
- Nicki Fellenzer - Deployment Day 12
- John Ross - Mistakes We Make in the Gun Culture
- Jacqui Cheng & Clint Ecker at ars technica - iPod nano
- The Onion - Halliburton Gets Contract To Pry Gold Fillings From New Orleans Corpses' Teeth
- September 19, next Monday, is Talk Like a Pirate Day Pirate Keyboard
- Edward S. Ellis at - Davy Crockett vs. Welfare The Life of Colonel David Crockett
- Lee Harris at Tech Central Station - The Iron Law of Oligarchy, Revisited
- Butler Shaffer at - The Market and the State
- Sunni Maravillosa - Interview: Mike Hoy Loompanics
- GeekWithA.45 - The Word On Kim & Connie...
- Anarchangel - Kim is down
- David Codrea in Guns Magazine via - The Black Arrow
- Ron Paul at - The Coming Category 5 Financial Hurricane
- Sci Fi Wire - Serenity Cast Signed For Sequels
- Americus at The Claire Files Forum - These Colors Are Running...
- Scott Bieser - The Time Sink
- Doug Ireland at LA Weekly - Trial by Bush: Constitution-shredding in the Jose Padilla case
- Chris Floyd at The Moscow Times - Global Eye, 9/16/2005
- Jacob G. Hornberger at Laredo News - Only one way to eliminate drug-war Violence here
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - The 2005 Hardyville Freedom Film Festival
- Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day
- The Spoof! - Bush Tapped for Nobel Honours
- - Carving with a .22 Rifle
- Fred Reed - A Grand Adventure: Except That it isn't
Ravenwood's Law
- Freedom Is Free - N.O. Resident Salutes Bush
- Sploid - Choppers & Riot Cops Bust Up L.A. Concert Davey D's account
- enemyofthestate at The Claire Files Forum - Military May Play Bigger Relief Role
- Mark Davis at Strike the Root - Defining Anarchy
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Court of Last Resort
- Bill Hartwell at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Power of Government
- Liz Michael - Shooting Them Finally Comes Into Play here
- Connie du Toit at The Anarchangel - A message for the Nation of Riflemen
- Paul Craig Roberts at The Cakewalk War
- The Opera web browser is now free
- Ted Rall - 9-8-05
- Sunni Maravillosa - Carnival of Liberty XII
- OK Cupid - Politics Test The Politics Test
- Turning America back into... A Nation of Riflemen Nation of Riflemen Forums
- Mrs. Du Toit - Explanation
- Handgun Club of America - Second Amendment Information Second Amendment Quotes Gun Control - Require Licences or Not? The Unabridged Second Amendment The Embarassing Second Amendment listing 1982 Senate Report membership page contact page
- Lady Liberty - The Planetary Bill of Rights Project
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - The Ultimate Heavy Bolt Action Varmint Rifle: Savage 12VSS Varminter Model 04 retails
- Ivor E. Tower (aka Sarah Thompson) at - A Clinical Analysis Of Anti-Government Phobia
- Joel Carlin at The Truth Seeker - FEMA Employees Lynched in New Orleans
- - "Spay & Neuter" Gear
- The blogger formerly known as KdT is back, as The Gun Guy Speaks
- George Potter - The River Behind The Eyes
- George's site is hosted at Blogsome WordPress
- F. Paul Wilson at - The Long Way Home
- Pitchfork at The Claire Files Forums - Hey Claire, still lookin' to get tasered? Here's a DIY story...
- Richard Rieben at Strike the Root - Respecting Authority
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - September 2005: Hunting Season
- Roger Friedman at Fox News - Stevie Wonder Does It Right offers it
- Google Print being sued
- Charley Reese at - We Are Revolutionaries
- The Age - 'Agent 86' Don Adams dies Get Smart
- Went to the Voodoo Lounge Tilted Kilt Manhattan Express Roller Coaster
- Rode last night on the Manhattan Express Roller Coaster New York-New York monorail MGM Grand
- Justin Buist - Serenity Review Serenity
- Justin Buist - Serenity Review Review
- Dale Lowdermilk at Armed Females of America - The Piñata Syndrome
- The Rio Intimacy Kit
- Claire Wolfe - Too damned cruel to endure
- Chicago and Earth, Wind & Fire at - Live at the Greek Theatre
- - Disaster Preparedness
- Author unknown - The Power of Makeup
- Joss Whedon - Serenity
- henshawe at The Claire Files Forum - Are we there yet, Dad, huh, huh are we there yet?
- Jim Kouri at Renew America - Second Amendment hypocrites: Senators Schumer and Feinstein pack heat
- I installed last night a Longhunter Shooting Supply One Piece Firing Pin