OK Cupid's Politics Test
"Sauron himself only gave up the ring when his finger was cut from his body and even Frodo had to have his finger severed to give up the ring of ultimate power.
"So the moral is when faced with the temptation of ultimate power the only thing to do is to give it the finger."
-- John Sebastian
From The Federalist:
"George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans and Iraq, and excuse his self [sic] from power." -- Cindy Sheehanand:
"Top Questions for the FEMA Director Application: Are you able to convey a false sense of security?; What percentage of your resume is fabricated?; In a crisis, which state or local officials would you blame?; What are your plans after you resign?; Do you mind if the last guy left the office smelling like Arabian horses?; Which is most serious: A disaster, a catastrophe, or a dis-astrophe?; Can the president easily add '-ie' to your last name to form a nickname?" -- David Lettermanand:
"Welcome to our 3000th show tonight. We did our first show in May of 1992; a man named George Bush was president, his approval rating was only 39 percent, and someone named Clinton wanted to replace him in the White House. So nothing has changed really." -- Jay Leno
# Ted Rall - 9-8-05 - cartoon commentary on the afterlife for William Rehnquist. Hahahahaha! [smith2004]
# Sunni Maravillosa - Carnival of Liberty XII - links to and short descriptions of a number of essays by bloggers on personal liberty. [sunni]
# OK Cupid - Politics Test - pegged me right. [ericgrumbles]
You are a Social Liberal (88% permissive) and an... Economic Conservative (93% permissive) You are best described as an:
Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating |
# Turning America back into... A Nation of Riflemen - the Nation of Riflemen Forums are back, cleaned of the name of their creator. Looks like they've been trimmed to contain only posts from 2005. [clairefiles]
# Mrs. Du Toit - Explanation - Connie finally put something on her web site. Not very satisfying, but something. Included below in its entirety. I think that Kim took a job with some big corporation whose management shat bricks when they found his web site. He decided he cared more about the job than the web site, so he shut it down. But that's only a guess. Sadly, I have moved the "Kim du Toit" link into the "More Weblogs" column of the "News" section of my links page, and replaced the "Kim du Toit" link in the "Dicsussion" column of the "RKBA" section with a link to the "Nation of Riflemen" forums. [mrsdutoit]
If we could give an explanation we would. Since we can't, we can't. It's sort of the point that we can't (or we would have). For those who have expressed genuine concern: we're fine. We're needing to move to a new chapter in our lives. Our blogs are closed permanently. We're working to "move" the forum to another guardian/location. We apologize for the suddenness of it and for scaring some folks, but it really could not be helped.
Speculations about black helicopter scenarios and such should be stopped. It is nothing like that.
If there was a way of saying more or giving some sort of explanation, we would, but we can't.
Thanks to all who played.
# Handgun Club of America - Second Amendment Information - "Additional Reading" at the bottom of the page links to Second Amendment Quotes and Gun Control - Require Licences or Not?, in which they opine that licensing guns is not only wrong, it's illegal. They also have their own copies of J. Neil Schulman's The Unabridged Second Amendment, Sanford Levinson's The Embarassing Second Amendment a listing of the right to bear arms guarantees in the constitutions of 43 states, and the 1982 Senate Report on the Second Amendment. Mighty good politics for a "non-political" group. And their membership page now works. $1.50/month, billed annually, that's $15/year. Unfortunately, one of the elements of their club pledge disqualifies me: "By accepting membership in the Handgun Club of America, I promise to... (3) Observe all firearm laws..." Can't promise that. Too bad. I submitted the following on their contact page: [codrea]
I'm happy to see your new "Second Amendment" page. Mighty good politics for a "non-political" group. I'm also happy to see that your membership page is up, and that your dues are only $15/year. Unfortunately, I can't join, because I refuse to pledge to "(3) Observe all firearm laws." There are a multitude of blatantly unconstitutional firearms laws, federal, state, and local. I consider it my right and duty to DISOBEY those so-called "laws", whenever I find it necessary.
# Lady Liberty - The Planetary Bill of Rights Project - a restating and expansion of the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights. [smith2004]
# Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - The Ultimate Heavy Bolt Action Varmint Rifle: Savage 12VSS Varminter - Mr. Quinn waxes eloquent about the .22-250 Savage Varminter that he built himiself at the Savage factory in Massachusetts. I'd love to get one in .308. After I get my Wild West Guns Model 04 in .460 S&W Magnum. The Varminter retails for $934. [gunblast]