Handheld Hydrogen
"A friend with high-level Pentagon connections tells me that they are delighted with the lack of opposition to the gun confiscation now going on in NO, and if and when they can make martial law nationwide, they want guns only in the hands of government employees and 'security contractors.'" -- Lew Rockwell
# PenguinsScareMe at The Claire Files Forums - And that's how you DON'T do that - some autobiography followed by a description of a 1994 encounter with a South Providence cop. Wow! [clairefiles]
Scott Bieser - TSHTF - cartoon commentary on gun confiscation in New Orleans. Reprinted by (blanket) permission. [smith2004]

# Valhall at AboveTopSecret.com - I just got back from a FEMA Detainment Camp - a report on a visit to a FEMA detention, er... refugee camp in Falls Creek, Oklahoma. [claire]
# Sunni Maravillosa - Katrina Survivors are Detainees?! - Sunni's take on Valhall's story above. Chilling. [sunni]
# GeekWithA.45 - Livid: Door to Door Gun Confiscations From Law Abiding Citizens In NOLA... - The Geek chimes in with lots of links to stories and other commentary. His conclusion, worth writing in gold:
Sorry, LEO's & .MIL. As a group, you've crossed the Rubicon.
Absent evidence to the contrary, such as a mass outcry from your end, we citizens no longer have the luxury of granting you the benefit of the doubt that came with your former presumption of good will.
From this day forward in this context, we must presume you to be hostiles.
Give me a credible reason to believe otherwise.
You will have to think long and hard on what that presumption of good will meant, and what you've done to earn it's loss, and what that really means.
# Skytrooper at The Claire Files Forum - Re: A Libertarian Justice System: My Vision - a clarification of my summary yesterday that Mr. Waller was "framed". He wasn't, though they did attempt to frame him in order to increase his sentence. [clairefiles]
# Amminex - Hydrogen Storage - dry storage for hydrogen. One gram of "Handheld Hydrogen" plus a catalyst becomes one liter of hydrogen gas. No concept of price or potential for commercialization. Very very good news if it will work en masse. Small company located at the Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby (north of Copenhagen). [alisvoice]