Tom Pain Maru Available for Purchase and Download
"Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it." -- Henry David Thoreau
From clairefiles:
"Wherever a man goes, men will pursue him and paw him with their dirty institutions, and, if they can, constrain him to belong to their desperate oddfellow society." -- Henry David Thoreau
From pole:
"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others." -- Harry J. Anslinger, 1937, driving force behind American cannibas prohibition.
L. Neil Smith -
Tom Paine Maru - now
available for download as a 1.8 meg PDF for $5.00. Credit card or
PayPal account required. I got mine, but haven't started reading it
yet. [tle]
# Scott Bieser - The Time Sink - Mr. Bieser has created a weblog, with a most appropriate name. Hehe. He gives his location as "Shy Anne, Wyoming". [smith2004]
The Time Sink
Musings by Scott Bieser: cartoonist, illustrator and libertarian pain-in-the-ass
# David Benzion at Lone Star Times - People help others absent government coercion - a report on private charity for Louisiana refugees outside Houston's Astrodome. Something tells me the Texas "authorities" know better than to try to stop Texan generosity. [smith2004]
One local anarchist boldly grilled and handed out upwards of 400 pounds of free hot dogs, knowingly flouting his lack of public food preparation permits.
Elsewhere, a bus carrying members of the "Paradise Valley Worship Church" offered free bottles of water and cash assistance. Local representatives of the ACLU are expected to arrive on site tomorrow to insure a strict separation of church and state in all future relief efforts.
# Deanna Spingola at News with Views - William Rodriguez, A 9-11 Survivor - last week, Ms. Spingola heard Mr. Rodriguez tell of his experience on 11 September, 2001 in one of the World Trade Center towers. [smith2004]
William Rodriguez had worked at the World Trade Center for about twenty years. He was in charge of the maintenance of the three stairwells, A, B and C in the north tower designated as WTC1, a class "A" building. The stairwells were narrow, steep and without windows. There were also 97 passenger and 6 freight elevators in the building.[2] On a typical morning, he would finish breakfast and then begin at the top of the building and methodically work his way down. Arriving at 8:30 on the morning of 9-11 he went to the maintenance office located on the first sublevel, one of six sub-basements beneath ground level. There were a total of fourteen people in the office at that same time. As he was discussing the day's tasks with others, there was a very loud massive explosion which seemed to emanate from between sub-basement B2 and B3. There were an additional twenty-two people on B2 sub-basement who also felt and heard that first explosion.
At first he thought it was a generator that had exploded. But the cement walls in the office cracked from the explosion. "When I heard the sound of the explosion, the floor beneath my feet vibrated, the walls started cracking and everything started shaking." said Rodriguez, who was crowded together with fourteen other people in the office including Anthony Saltamachia, his supervisor for the American Building Maintenance Company.
Just seconds later there was another explosion way above which made the building oscillate momentarily. This, he was later told, was a plane hitting the tower at about the 90th floor. Upon hearing about the plane, he immediately thought of the people up in the restaurant. Then there were other explosions just above B1 and individuals started heading for the loading dock to escape the explosion's resulting rampant fire. When asked later about those first explosions he said: "I would know if an explosion was from the bottom or the top of the building." He heard explosions both before and after the plane hit the tower.
# Gina Holland of Associated Press via Comcast News - Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies of Cancer - so Bush gets to pick two Supreme Court justices. [smith2004]
# Simon Pole - Novel Legal Manoeuvre in Emery Case - Paddy Roberts, head of the Bloc BC party, filed a "private prosecution" last Tuesday against the three Canadians who the U.S. DEA wants Canada to extradite. This could very quickly make extradition impossible. More in this Brian Taylor post at Cannabis Culture. [pole]
# Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Smith & Wesson Models 619 and 620 .357 Magnum Revolvers - a review of S&W's new 7-shot double-action handguns. [gunblast]
As expected, functioning was perfect with both of these handguns. Accuracy however, was much better than I expected. It is indeed a shame, but I have become accustomed to seeing production revolvers that will not group under two and one-half inches at twenty-five yards from a rested position. As can be seen in the photos, these two revolvers shoot much better than that.
Back to the accuracy of these new Smiths, they both really surprised me with their ability to shoot small groups on paper. Both shot very well with every load tested, from light .38 Specials to heavy magnums. Many five-shot groups were under one inch at twenty-five yards, with some going close to half that! That is outstanding accuracy from a medium framed service revolver. The cylinder proved to be long enough to accommodate even the 180 grain loads from Cor-Bon and Buffalo Bore, making these handguns suitable for hunting big deer and wild hogs. With any of the excellent 125 grain jacketed hollowpoints available, these revolvers would be ideal for social work.
# YouSentIt allows you to upload a file up to a gigabyte in size, and sends an email notification to an address you specify. It appears that their business model is to sell advertisements, but their site currently has none. [clairefiles]