Please! Spay & Neuter Your Politicians
"If you shoot me with .25 ACP, and I find out about it, I'll kick your ass." -- Dan Martinez
# - "Spay & Neuter" Gear - shirts and other stuff sporting the image below. Hehe. [militant]

# The blogger formerly known as KdT is back, as The Gun Guy Speaks. Looks like all the old content is there, with authorship changed to "The Gun Guy". Far out! [geekwitha.45]
# George Potter - The River Behind The Eyes - Mr. Potter intends to muse about books, provide an archive of his essays and stories, and publish some never-before-seen essays. Yay! [notreason]
# George's site is hosted at Blogsome, a free, WordPress-based, hosting service in Ireland. Very nice.
# F. Paul Wilson at - The Long Way Home - this 33-page Repairman Jack Story is available for purchase and download. 49 cents. PDF, HTML, or emailed text. I got it, but haven't read it yet. [smith2004]
# has coverage of today's anti-war protests in the swamp.
# Pitchfork at The Claire Files Forums - Hey Claire, still lookin' to get tasered? Here's a DIY story... - a while back, Claire Wolfe reported on her weblog that she was working towards getting her local police department to taser her, just so she'd know what it's like. Fell through. Here's a story of a guy who tasered himself. Wasn't fun for him at the time, but it sure is funny to read. Don't know if it's true. [clairefiles]
# Richard Rieben at Strike the Root - Respecting Authority - your own sovereign authority, that is. Don't miss this one. [jomama]
If the free market fails, or if people abuse victims of natural disasters instead of helping them, or if "free" people run amok violating the autonomy of others . . . then somewhere someone has attempted to control the situation by usurping the sovereign authority of the individual. This is the only possible source of human disaster, degeneracy, or destruction.
I'm not asking you to think. I am saying that if you resist giving up submission to authority -- in any area of your life -- then, please -- for your sake and mine -- get help. You are damaged. Your humanity has been violated (and you are continuing to perpetrate the abuse upon yourself and others). I know it's hard. Most "professional" therapists available today are government trained/sponsored/vetted and usually corrupt; religious counselors are deranged at the same critical point. But try anyway.
# Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - September 2005: Hunting Season - NRA: the last bastion of political liberty; the solid bronze X bullet; C-Stories expected at the annual Theodore Roosevelt Reunion at Whittington; we were safe with Martha Stewart in prison; Hiroshima bombing considered a life saver; the militia is the "Department of Public Security"; nasty 2006 election expected; litigation as the answer to everything, including lion attacks and hurricanes; complete the verse; public schools used to teach better; PhDs used to be trained better; journalists touting firearms minutia; Blackwater considered good employment for Gunsite graduates; "monsoon" inappropriate to name rain storms in the American Southwest; Homo pugnans; distinction between feminine and feminist; Bat'n Rouge; reviving the giant sable in Angola; political assassination; Pat Rogers no longer associated with Gunsite; Chief Justice John Roberts; income tax remission for winners of the Medal of Honor; 376 Scout (Dragoon) recoil considered not too bad; proposal for a funeral rally. "Not to hurry. Just a thought."
# Roger Friedman at Fox News - Stevie Wonder Does It Right - a review of Stevie Wonder's new, finally about to be released, album, A Time 2 Love. reports that it will be available in on-line stores on September 27 and in record stores on October 18. Amazon offers it for $11.99, shipping on October 18. [google]
# Google Print allows you to search the full text of books. They are being sued about it by the Author's Guild, even though the snippets of text they return are "consistent with fair use doctrine." [samizdata]