November 2005
Tuesday, 1 November: Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot
- Cousino's Firearms - Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot: Oct 5, 2005
- Botach Tactical - Pistol & Rifle Magazines
- Non Sequitur - I'd rather have a sword
- Ryan Keith at The Belleville News Democrat - Blagojevich ratchets up rhetoric on gun measures
- Arbornet M-Net
- Electronic Frontier Foundation - Halloween on the Hill
- From this Claire Files post
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - The Hardy Awards 2005
- Claire Wolfe - Dear Free State Project replied
- National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) - Denver Votes To Abolish Pot Penalties
- Andrew S. Fischer at - Arrested for What?
- Bill Steigerwald at Pittsburgh Live - Freedom, 'the default position'
- Greg Szymanski at The Arctic Beacon - Historic Vermont Meeting in State Capital Passes Resolution to Secede from the U.S.
- Nelson D. Schwartz at Fortune - Rumsfeld's growing stake in Tamiflu
- Techcrunch - New Yahoo Maps Shows Power of Flash Yahoo Maps Google Maps
- GrowHigh Headshop
- BBC News spoofed by Owen - Blair announces abolition of elections
- Mike Rogers at - Police and Thieves
- Alok Jha at Guardian Unlimited - Fuel's paradise? Power source that turns physics on its head Blacklight Power
- Claire Wolfe - Libertarian Family Values
- Erik Baard at The Village Voice - Quantum Leap
- Nathan Sharpe at The Manitoban - Pot activist Marc Emery deconstructs his drug kingpin status
- Jerry Pournelle - Civil War in France and Denmark?
- John Hendren at The Los Angeles Times via Arizona Central - McCain vows to add torture ban to all major Senate legislation
- Ron Paul at The John Birch Society - A Report from Congress Review of the News Podcast
- The Onion - Bush Orders Mass Bald Eagle Slaughter To Stop Spread Of Bird Flu
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - There is No "Joe Sixpack"
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Defense of Marriage
- Pat Schroeder & Bob Barr at The Washington Times - Reining in Google
- William Rivers Pitt at Truthout - It's Still There is still there
- David R. Henderson at - Who Is 'We'?
- Hornady - LEVERevolution
- Kevin Rothstein at The Boston Herald - Mayor suggests summit, searches to stem flow of illegal guns
- GeekWithA.45 - Glory Of A Bygone Age...
- Heard on PYX-106
- I made my National Ammo Day/Week
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Shedding Some (Flash)light on the Subject
- Ron Paul at - Too Little Too Late
- Douglas Herman at Strike the Root - Heart of Darkness and the Fog of War
- Steven E. Jones at the Brigham Young University Department of Physics and Astronomy - Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?
- Midsouth Shooter's Supply - LEVERevolution neat new ammo
- John Lettice at The Register - Gatso 2: rollout of UK's '24x7 vehicle movement database' begins
- Doug Thompson at Capitol Hill Blue - An enemy of the state
- Eric Raymond - Why "Commons" language gives me hives
- Claire Wolfe - My Yule gift of Silence here
- Remember, today is National Ammo Day Walmart Ammo Buy
- Simon McGee Gun loophole is closed by mother's campaign
- Clayton Cramer and Pete Drum - Civilian Gun Self-Defense Blog
- #
- Wayne Madsen Report - More on Al Qaeda -- the database
- Tim Condon at The Libertarian Enterprise - "Just Tell Us What You Want, Claire!"
- Lady Liberty at The Libertarian Enterprise - Unions Divided
- Wendy McElroy at The Libertarian Enterprise - Girls, Get Your Guns
- Douglas Herman at Strike the Root - Worst President Ever? You Might Be Surprised
- Tom Rose at - Police State! Coming? Or Already Here?
- NRA-ILA Fact Sheets - Fully-Automatic Firearms
- mariwinn at The Joplin Independent - Citizen questions loss of freedoms
- Claire Wolfe - "Oh. The feds ..." and herbal anti-nausea medicine
- Jim Davies at Strike the Root - The Power of One
- Chuck Williams and Angelique Soenaire at the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer via Truhtout - Orderly Protest
- Alan Morse at Grannies Against George - Add me to your lists Mr. Bush
- Marko Kloos at The Firing Line - A Declaration of Civil Disobedience here
- Susan Bates at Alternative Press Review - The Real Story of Thanksgiving
- Gatofeo at The High Road - How to best use a cap and ball revolver
- Kel-Tec - PLR-16 Press Release
- Don Knotts is Dubya Don Knotts' IMDB page
- Claire Wolfe - Reefer Madness; Yeah, what Debra said Reefer Madness, The Musical Deb's sentiment from Amazon
- David Codrea - Night of the Evil Butterball
- WREG, Memphis - Get Your Gun
- John Ross - The Elephant in Maureen's Living Room and Do Great Minds Think Alike?
- Anthony Gregory at - Warmongering Is the Health of Statism Why Libertarians Must Embrace Peace keystone
- Charley Reese at - Slipped His Moorings
- Mark Morford at The San Francisco Chronicle - Scenes From A Bush Thanksgiving
- - Next Stop: Big Brother
- Paul English - IVR Cheat Sheet
- James R. Rummel - Fill Your Hand
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - The .500 Wyoming Express from Freedom Arms
- Ron Paul in the House of Representatives - H.R. 3037
- Dean Spiers - The Gun Zone TGZ forum
- ecgRN at The Gun Zone - Negligent Discharge... Just a matter of when
- Jeremy Robb - San Francisco Struggles to Keep Up With Gun Returns by Gang Members
- The Revolutionay War Veterans Association RWVA National Headquarters Fred's M14 Stocks
- Mark Spungin at The RWVA Blog - Neither Predator Nor Prey
- Penn Jillette at NPR - There Is No God
- John Shiffman at The Philadelphia Inquirer via Unknown News - Tax daredevil gets fifteen months in prison
- John Silveira at Backwoods Home Magazine - Let prisoners get high on marijuana
- Maciej Ceglowski -
Secret CIA Prisons in Poland?
Washington Post article
- Bill Walker at - Energy: The Bottomless Well
- Paul Craig Roberts at - The Grave Threat Is the Bush Administration
- Kim du Toit - The Other Side Nation of Riflemen
- Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - Could Science Prove You Guilty of a Crime You Didn't Commit? New Scientist article
- Kim du Toit - Why The Change?
- Stefan Molyneux at - The Argument From Morality; Or, how we will win...
- Rick Weiss at The Washington Post -
CDC Proposal Would Help U.S. Track Travelers
Division of Global Migration and Quarantine 10 separate PDF files
- Omega Publications by title by author by artist by subject Hazrat Inayat Khan Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan