Oh. The Feds...
# Claire Wolfe - "Oh. The feds ..." and herbal anti-nausea medicine - on the response of the husband of an acquaintance with cancer when informed of the feds' likely response to the herbal anti-nausea medication that his wife received from a freind. [claire]
# Jim Davies at Strike the Root - The Power of One - if you teach one person per year the benefit, to him, of freedom, and convince him to do likewise, all 300 million Americans will be converted in only 17 years. Assuming, of course, that everybody can find somebody to convert. That's always the problem with pyramid schemes. [root]
Then that moment will come, when our numbers are overwhelming; and notice, we shall still do nothing violent, nothing outrageous. There will be no great "movement" which the cornered tyrant can decapitate with a single slash of his machete. We shall just spontaneously walk off the job, so leaving the old order armless, legless, gutless and brainless.
# Chuck Williams and Angelique Soenaire at the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer via Truhtout - Orderly Protest - over 15,000 showed up at Fort Benning for the latest protest against the School of the Americas. 40 were arrested for trespassing. [root]
# Alan Morse at Grannies Against George - Add me to your lists Mr. Bush - nice sentiment. I share much of it, but I don't promise to be non-violent. [root]