Escape from Heaven

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 26 Jul 2002 12:00:00 GMT
From smith2004:
I had a dream the other night where a group of astronomers convinced the Government that an asteroid was going to smack the Earth. Like in the movie Armageddon (or was it the other one?), the Federals built a bunch of underground strongholds to hide in until the disaster abated. When the time approached and everyone in government and their lackeys was underground, we used captured nukes to seal the entrances. The asteroid missed the Earth (as we knew it would) and everybody lived happily ever after. I woke up smiling.

Last night, I read Escape from Heaven by J. Neil Schulman. Good stuff. Get yours today. Duj Pepperman, a talk-radio host dies, goes to heaven, learns the score, and comes back as God's campaign manager in a campaign to elect the spiritual governor of Earth. It ends up as a race between Eve/Satan and Adam/Jesus. The Savior lives up to that name in the end. But this book will have lots of the false religious types up in arms. Good. Remember to vote. For Jesus or Satan, that is.

I started working on month and year tables of contents for BlogMax. Hopefully I'll get this up soon and provide those pages for this site. My plan for the month pages is to list for each day the title, linked to the day page, and the links from each story. Hence, yesterday's entry in the month page will look something like this:

June | July 2002 | August
25 July: Traficant Beamed Up
And the July section of the year page for 2002 will look something like this (hurray for Emacs keyboard macros):
2001 | 2002 | 2003
July 2002
1 July: Adirondack Weekend
2 July: Weekly Reader
3 July: They Didn't Attack Switzerland
4 July: Mourn on the Fourth of July
5 July: Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death
6 July: Henry Lever Youth Model .22
7 July: What Freedoms Are Left?
8 July: More UK Insanity
9 July: Frodo Baggins Charged With War Crimes
10 July: Bill Ruger, RIP
11 July: Fraud vs. Politics
12 July: The Spirit of Exmas Sideways
13 July: Six/Four
14 July: H2 and AUTOnomy: GM in Wired
15 July: Smallpox? Don't Panic
16 July: Government Accountability?
17 July: The Ultimatum Resolution
18 July: Amazon Light
19 July: Double Jeopardy in England
20 July: New Declaration of Independence
21 July: Sybase Knows Your Customers
22 July: Bill of Rights Enforcement! Now!
23 July: Ibogaine Works
24 July: Don't Just Legalize Drugs, Completely Deregulate Them
25 July: Traficant Beamed Up
The July 2002 month page will be stored as 0207.html. The 2002 year page will be stored as 02.html. The calendar title will link to these table of contents pages. As always, when talking about the future: in sha' allah. Thanks for listening to me think out loud. If you have ideas for improving this, send 'em right in. I'll be writing this code real soon now.

Declan McCullagh at News.Com - On trial: Digital copyright law - The ACLU is suing on behalf of a 22-year-old programmer who wants to decrypt the banned-list of some net filtering software. They're hoping to make a chink in the armor of the so-far unassailable Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA). I wish them good luck. [script]

Matt Berger an InfoWorld - Linux maven Bruce Perens: DMCA outlaw? - Bruce Perens intends to violate the DMCA at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention in San Diego this afternoon at 2:30 Pacific Time. He plans to demonstrate and talk about a modified DVD player that he bought on EBay that can play DVDs from various regional zones. Bravo, Mr. Perens. [wes]

The issue is one that hits close to home for Perens. On a recent trip to London, the Linux developer and Hewlett-Packard employee said he purchased two movies on DVD : "Gladiator," the heroic story of a muscle-bound gladiator bringing honor back to the Roman empire, and "Artificial Intelligence: AI," Steven Spielberg's futuristic take on the progress of artificial intelligence.

When he returned to the U.S. to watch his new titles, the movies wouldn't play in his DVD player, he said. That's because Hollywood has devised a system that classifies DVDs by geographical "zones" and prohibits movies from being played outside the zone they are manufactured for.

"When Hollywood releases a DVD in London, that DVD will not play in a U.S. DVD player," Perens explained.

Libertarian Party Press Releases - Why are soldiers paying for strippers with your money? Libertarians ask - because they can, of course. And the only way to fix it is to change the entire structure of government to fee-for-service, and get rid of all of its monopolies. Of course, then, government will go out of business, since the market will do everything it does more efficiently. But you knew that. Unfortunately, that's not what Steve Dasbach is proposing. He just wants to cut the military budget. Also a good idea, but doomed to failure.

kuro5hin - Obese Man Creates Super-Sized Court Controversy, Sues Fast Food Chains - sheesh. I don't care how good their fat-laden hamburgers are. He ate every bite. He's responsible for every bite. I hope the court charges him big bucks for wasting their time. Of course, I'd say the same thing about the lady who spilled McDonald's coffee on herself, sued, and won. Idiots and assholes. [kuro5hin]

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