Henry Lever Youth Model .22
Vegetarian is an old Indian word meaning "bad hunter."
Mike Shelton at The Orange County Register - Question Authority - cartoon commentary on the Amerikan security state. Not funny.
russmo.com - Raising The Debt Limit - cartoon commentary on GW's line of credit. Hehe.
A. Willis at Perry de Havilland's web site - liberty2a - cartoon commentary on the restriction of liberty by Amerika's two-party system. Too true. [samizdata]
George Mason at NARA - The Virginia Declaration of Rights - Nice piece of work. [brianf]
Virginia's Declaration of Rights was drawn upon by Thomas Jefferson for the opening paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence. It was widely copied by the other colonies and became the basis of the Bill of Rights. Written by George Mason, it was adopted by the Virginia Constitutional Convention on June 12, 1776.
I got a Henry Repeating Arms lever action .22 youth model. It's mostly for my son to shoot, but I like it too. It cycles CCI CB ammo flawlessly. Haven't tried it yet on my brick of Aguila Colibri. We'll fire some real ammo through it at the range tomorrow, in sha' allah. I don't like the rear sight much, would rather have a peep sight, but it works.

handgunsafe.com is an R&D Enterprises web site marketing their Handgun Box Safes. Mechanical locks that can be opened with your fingers in the dark. Spring-open doors. Fire resistant. [ar15.com]
AP via the Sacramento Bee - Surveillance cameras will keep eye on Palm Springs - Big Brother is watching another city. Sieg Heil! [smith2004]
xxdr_zombiexx at Marijuana.Com - Why the NRA should support Cannabis Reform - and how! [kaba]
Cannabis Prohibition is a giant iceberg that is blacked out from commercial media. You never see or hear the term used on TV or in the Newspapers. What YOU hear is "war on drugs, war on drugs, war on drugs". 95% of the money and effort and law enforcement resources expended in the war on some drugs is spent on cannabis prohibition. The "War on Drugs" is a veil for the war against cannabis, which, in turn, is a veil for the Federal Government to disassemble the Bill of Rights so they can have more power than is granted to them by "The Rules".
The world is not getting any bigger and this "iceberg" makes waves that affect people who have nothing to do with, or know anything about, "cannabis culture" (a term meaning all people who express some sort of identification or relationship with the cannabis plant, except for the DEA: the KKK of cannabis culture.). It's goal is to suspend the Bill of Rights, which is the focus of this article.
I strongly advise and encourage you to read How the Narcs Created Crack, an excellent overview of the Iron Law of Prohibition. by Richard Cowan. It details how increased enforcement exacerbates rather than controls the problem targeted for prohibition. It was written in 1986, but it is remains dead-on accurate and absolutley essential reading to understand what is going on.
Lorna Hughes at The Sunday Mail - Horse Trainer Faces Prison - more insanity from Great Britain. [kaba]
A TOP racehorse trainer is facing jail after being accused of firing a shotgun at teenagers who caused £90,000 of damage to his cottages.
Former jockey Donal Nolan was charged with twice firing the gun at a group of 14-year-olds after being driven to despair by malicious hooligans.
The schoolboys had repeatedly vandalised and set alight the isolated cottages that the Lanarkshire-based trainer had spent thousands renovating.
The Week Online with DRCNet - British Columbia Marijuana Activists Celebrate 4th of July by Burning US Flag in Protest of Local DEA office - good for them.
While US marijuana protesters have often and deliberately embraced American patriotism -- the flag is on prominent display at events such as Washington DC's annual hemp fest -- activists in other countries have felt no such compunction. In some places, in fact, the stars and stripes are viewed not as a symbol of freedom but of oppression, and the drug war is again one of the reasons. British Columbia is now apparently among those places, at least as seen by some activists with the British Columbia Marijuana Party (BCMP).