Under God
Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones. -- Phillips Brooksand:
The single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because it's so rare. -- Daniel P. Moynihanand:
Americans have also only begun to understand that if radical Islam is one face of our enemy, the other is the radical Left. -- David Horowitzand:
...[L]ooking at the newly hired luggage inspectors, we might be safer if the passengers frisked the inspectors, rather than vice versa. -- Jackie Mason & Raoul Felderand:
California Gov. Gray Davis (D) is returning a $10,000 campaign contribution when he found out it was from the owners of a strip club. To his credit, he's going to return the money to the girls one dollar at a time! -- Jay Leno
From Quotes of the Day:
Man is the Only Animal that Blushes. Or needs to. -- Mark Twainand:
Americans will put up with anything provided it doesn't block traffic. -- Dan Ratherand:
'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. -- Abraham Lincolnand:
Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard
russmo.com - Forest Protectors - cartoon commentary on the enviro-whackos protection of the forests. Hehe.
tuj at kuro5hin - My Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Life (Culture) - one man's experience with LSD. I posted the following comment: [kuro5hin]
My favorite Ram Dass LSD story
In one of Ram Dass' books, don't remember which, he told a story about his guru, Neem Karoli Baba, aka Maharaji. Ram Dass tried many times to give LSD to Maharaji. Nothing ever happenned. But he had some doubt that the old man was really swallowing the tabs. So the next time Ram Dass gave a tab to Maharaji, the guru made a show of placing it on his tongue and carefully swallowing.
A short while later, Maharaji went wild, started acting crazy. Ram Dass was thinking, "What have I done to this poor old man?" Maharaji came immediately back to his senses and told Ram Dass, "They knew about this stuff a thousand years ago. If you take it in a meditative mood, you can visit Jesus. But after two hours, you have to come back. Wouldn't it be better to BE Jesus?"
I bought East River, an old album by the Brecker Brothers that I used to have on vinyl. I heard a takeoff on "Skunk Funk" on the radio and had to have the original. Billy Cobham did a version of this song titled "Some Skunk Funk" on his 1975 album Funky Thide of Sings (re-released in 1999).
Norman Singleton at Politech - Why Ron Paul was only Republican to vote no on morphed-porn bill - the house has passed another version of the so-called child pornography prevention act. The first one was declared unconstitutional last April. This post contains Ron Paul's speech on why he voted against the bill and links to the vote and a previous Politech article containing a link to the bill itself. [smith2004]
David Kravets of AP via The Washington Post -
Pledge Declared Unconstitutional - by the ninth district court of
appeals. It violates the establishment clause because of the phrase
"under God". I'm no big fan of pledging allegiance to a flag, but this
ruling is garbage. The judges responsible should be impeached and
imprisoned. I heard on NPR this morning that some members of congress
are saying that if the Supreme Court doesn't overrule the ninth
circuit, they'll pass a constitutional amendment. Kuro5hin discussion
here. Slashdot discussion
here. From neitzsche at slashdot: [sierra]
I pledge alleigance to the RIAA
and to the corporations for which it stands,
One fascist organization, under what's-his-name
with tyanny, and injustice for all.
Sheriff Michael E. Cook at Sierra Times - Readers Questions Answered - The Sheriff answers a few questions about J.J. Johnson's article about electing a Sheriff. [sierra]
One question was: "Do you believe in reciprocity when it comes to concealed carry permits?" Many people don't understand (reciprocity). The easy way to explain that is you have a drivers license issued by your home state, you are allowed to drive in all other states on that license. That is reciprocity. I believe the same should apply to carry permits. Unlike some people however, I don't believe in carry permits. I feel that as long as you are not a convicted felon and can legally own a firearms, you should be allowed to carry it concealed. The honest citizen is not the one that needs to be feared.
The bottom line is that the Sheriff is the only person you choose, by your vote, to protect you and you family against all enemies foreign and domestic and empower to protect your Constitutional Rights. That is why it is important to pick the right person. Please get involved and make a good choice. Don't pick a yes person who will roll over at the first sign of trouble.
ucblockhead at kuro5hin - Language Comparison, C#, C++ and Java (Technology) - One man's comparison of three different languages on Windoze. [kuro5hin]
KaosConMan at Slashdot - A Terabyte of Data on a Laptop Hard Drive - Wow! Not yet commercialized. [/.]