Net Assets a Page-Turner (er... Mouse-Clicker)

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 24 Jun 2002 12:00:00 GMT
From Net Assets, Chapter 6:
Any device is a tool of liberty to the extent it's available to all, and a tool of oppression to the extent it's regulated. -- Don Riggs

I was a very bad boy and stayed up until 3am reading Carl Bussjaeger's Net Assets. Couldn't put it down. Glorious!

Took the whole family to see Lilo and Stitch on Saturday. An old-style Disney animation (not computer generated). The kids and I liked it. My wife didn't.

Working Assets/Act for Change - Defending Civil Liberties - A Flash video very well illustrating that too much security destroys liberty. My title. [cphv]

Serbu Firearms makes some unusual firearms. They have a .50 BMG single-shot rifle and are working on a semi-auto version (price slated around $5,000). They sell a "super-shorty" 12 gauge shotgun pistol, internally suppressed .22 pistol and rifle, and a pen gun. They appear to be focusing on the .50 BMG as many of their other products are not currently shipping. [firingline]

Mail-order Ammunition Distributors is a new page I created to collect info about ammo you can order by phone or web. Submissions and corrections requested.

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