They Didn't Attack Switzerland
Catherine Milner in London The Sydney Morning Herald -
Tate's tinned art leaves bad smell - $61,000 for a can of merda
d'artista. Shit by any other name...
Bill Walker at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - They Didn't Attack Switzerland - how come do you suppose? Because Switzerland behaves how America should behave.
The features of the Swiss system for keeping the peace are simple. They mind their own business, and they have very strict gun control. By which they mean that every Swiss male must have a gun, except for those who have to carry a missile launcher also. Females are not subject to universal military training, but if you go to a Swiss rifle range there are always girls blasting away. So the Swiss can muster an official army somewhere around ten percent of their population, but the number of people who would actually start shooting if Switzerland were invaded is quite a bit higher, somewhere close to 100 percent of those able to pick up a gun. Plus, as a final defense, the Swiss have rigged the vaults of their banks for self destruction. Any dictator attacking Switzerland will find the gold in his numbered bank account buried in rubble hundreds of meters under a mountain. It is known that Hitler had a numbered account...
Switzerland has also provided for defense of the lives of its civilian population against nuclear terrorism. Realizing after World War Two that nuclear weapons in the hands of power-mad idiots posed a public health threat, the Swiss started a nationwide shelter-building program in 1960. By 1991, there was enough shelter space in Switzerland to protect everyone in their home or apartment, and also enough at their workplace and school. A Swiss child is generally never more than a few minutes from a fallout shelter with an air filter.
The entire Swiss shelter program was accomplished for somewhere on the order of 35 dollars per year per capita. I believe those are 1990 dollars, but it doesn't matter. The US spends vastly more every year to achieve a military only capable of intervening in non-nuclear-armed Third World nations. We have no defense for our children at all. The combined US armed forces are incapable of shooting down a single ballistic missile, or even intercepting a single low-flying propeller plane. Nor are there any bunkers with filtered air supplies for the inhabitants of our glass cities or crackerbox suburbs. The only civil defense in the US is for the President and the bureaucrats under Iron Mountain. Everyone else is nuclear fodder, except for those provident few (such as the Mormons) who built their own shelters to protect their families.
Ed Quillen at The Denver Post via Sierra Times' Sagebrush Saloon - A terrorist manifesto? - how Ashcroft et al would respond to the Declaration of Independence were it passed around today. [sierra]
Pressed for details, Hanover said that the originators of the document had "pledged their lives," which indicated a self-destructive willingness to die for their cause, as well as "their fortunes," which FBI analysts interpret as "signifying that they are people of some means, or else they would be talking about something other than their fortunes."
Displaying portions of the document on a screen, Ashcroft pointed out that "in this place, where a good American would say "endowed by God,' the author or authors of this terrorist manifesto says "endowed by their Creator.' And toward the end, they say they have a "Reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence,' rather than following the official American motto of "In God We trust.' "
Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - What Does the First Amendment Really Mean? - the ninth district court got it bass ackwards.
The judges who made this unfortunate ruling simply do not understand the First amendment. It does not bar religious expression in public settings or anywhere else. In fact, it expressly prohibits federal interference in the free expression of religion. Far from mandating strict secularism in schools, it instead bars the federal government from prohibiting the pledge of allegiance, school prayer, or any other religious expression. The politicians and judges pushing the removal of religion from public life are violating the First amendment, not upholding it.
Patti Bond at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Big Orange goes red, white, blue: Home Depot decides to do business with the feds - they apparently found a way to avoid some of the reporting requirements that were irking them. Or they just caved under pressure. [unknown] - 80-Yr Old Great Grandma Strip-Searched By Airport Security - disgusting. [grabbe]
New Scientist - Semen acts as an anti-depressant - so make love with only your wife and use a diaphram, not a condom. If she's feeling bitchy, she really does just need to get laid. [lew]
Susan Callaway at Sierra Times - Sierra Times Review of The Ballad Of Carl Drega, by Vin Suprynowicz - Get it today. [sierra]
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