Amazon Light

From The Federalist:
Apparently the only thing which will mollify the Democrats in Congress is for the U.S. government to take control of each and every activity of each and every corporation in the United States. Been there. Done that. Didn't work out so well. We called it: "The Soviet Union". -- Rich Galen
From kaba:
I say carry wherever you go regardless of whether it is legal or not. You don't need a "license" to save your own life. Americans are born with a CCW license. -- Josh Bergman
Reuters via Yahoo News - Russian Delinquent - my title. The Russians give military training to their juvenile delinquents. This guy is so small he has to put the butt of his AK under his arm.
Impact Guns has the Robinson Armament VEPR K 7.62x39 for $480. Very good price. They carry lots of other semi-autos, including a Romanian SAR 1 for $330. They also carry a full line of many well-known manufacturers, all at very reasonable prices. []
Coronado Leather makes leather outerwear, handbags, and carry cases, all with concealment pockets for carrying a handgun. [smith2004]
L. Neil Smith at Rational Review - The Wages of Socialism Are Death - Neil expounds on the real meaning of Independence Day. [smith2004]
Long before a socialist culture dies, however, of its own internal flaws, the failures those flaws create lead that culture's leaders to assume -- because their theory is obviously, self-evidently perfect -- that it must be people causing all the trouble. It isn't long before bureaucrats, accused of incompetence or corruption, and ordinary individuals, accused of slacking off, hoarding, or "incorrect thought" find themselves in front of a firing squad being offered a final cigarette.
Purges and executions come as naturally to socialism as lying to a politician.
Now Silverfoot Junior ("Pooooor George," intoned Texas governor Ann Richards at the Democratic Party national convention, speaking of George Herbert Walker Bush, the current president's father. "He was born with a silver foot in his mouth.") shows us his true socialist colors in so many ways it's difficult to decide what to write about first.
Observing that his predecessors' "War on Drugs" -- their excuse to pry into every aspect of every individual's life -- was finally beginning to lose popular support, he and his owners seized on the events of September 11, 2001, to declare an irrational and futile "War of Terrorism" which allowed them to continue the socialist excesses of the "War of Drugs", completing the utter destruction of the Bill of Rights.
Lynette Warren at No Treason Blog - We don't need no stinking magazines - commentary on Metal Storm: ink jet technology applied to weapons. "The ammunition box is the weapon." Watch the videos. [notreasonblog]
Brian Doherty at Reason - An American Stasi - more commentary on TIPS. [brianf]
Making news this week is the latest wrinkle in George Bush's Citizen Corps -- a program known as the Terrorism Information and Prevention System, or Operation TIPS. (Our allegedly civilian homeland is becoming lousy with new "corps" these days.) The East Germans had a more stylish and nakedly sinister name for the same idea: the formerly feared, and apparently now fondly missed, Stasi.
Libertarian Party Press Releases - Cable guy, or government spy? Now Americans will have to wonder - the LP on TIPS.
"By deputizing utility workers, delivery drivers and other private employees as de facto government agents, the government has created a way to search your home without a warrant," Dasbach said. "The only reason the government wants to recruit private citizen-spies is that they can do things the government can't do legally, such as monitor your private behavior with absolutely no suspicion that you've done anything wrong.
"These were standard tactics for the Stasi -- the East German secret police -- but they should be repugnant to every American."
"Here's a TIP for Mr. Bush: Abolish this program immediately. The U.S. government has no business spying on its own citizens."
AP via Sierra Times - Postal Service Won't Join TIPS Program - good. [sierra]
Slashdot - Apple Reveals Mac OS X 10.2, 17" iMac, Windows iPod - ITunes 3 is available now for free. It appears to work. Played some Zeppelin for me. The new OS will cost $129. Updates $19.99 "in some cases". [/.]
Amazon Light is a Google-like interface to done via Amazon's new web services interface. Very nice! Added to my links page. [script]
Scarlet Pruitt an InfoWorld - Amazon extends its reach with Web services - a short story about the web services that make Amazon Light possible. Details at [wes]