January 2012
Sunday, 1 January
Open your Eyes... and WAKE UP pastebin.com/ZPtNVCfh
Open your Eyes... and WAKE UP billstclair.com/blog/stories/wakeup.html billstclair.com/wakeup.txt
Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law Matt D at YouTube via clipofreality and TruthSeekingElf H.R. 1540 PDF
Monday, 2 January
The Collapse of Our Corrupt, Predatory, Pathological Financial System Is Necessary and Positive Charles Hugh Smith
Let Slip the Pigs of War L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise
Wednesday, 4 January
The New Ruger American Rifle Jeff Quinn at Gunblast Ruger's page
Thursday, 5 January
A Book Review of Jerome L. Wright’s 'Equal Freedom' Mark Davis at Strike the Root Equal Freedom
Friday, 6 January
What Was Left Out of the Analysis Butler Shaffer at LewRockwell.com
Saturday, 7 January
Lit Motors' C-1 electric motorcycle will stand up for itself Ben Coxworth at gizmag Lit Motors
Monday, 9 January
1877 Bulldog Gatling Gun Colt's Manufacturing this MGE Wholesale page
Tuesday, 10 January
Juicing medical marijuana the latest trend in amazing cures PF Louis at Natural News
American-Made Hellhound Tactical and Sporter 7.62x39mm AK Rifles from I.O., Inc. Jeff Quinn at Gunblast Gun Broker YouTube video
Saturday, 14 January
An Easy Guide to Healthful Eating Sunni Maravillosa
Sunday, 15 January
Wednesday, 18 January
unBlacking Wikipedia Wikipedia's English pages protesting SOPA and PIPA deSOPA
SOPA and PIPA Protest 1: 2: EFF Google Wikipedia Cory Doctorow boingboing
Sunday, 22 January
SOPA, Internet regulation, and the economics of piracy Julian Sanchez at Ars Technica
Monday, 23 January
Green Dreams: Life in the Year of the Rabbit Danielle Fong Lightsail Energy
A successful Git branching model Vincent Driessen a high-quality PDF
Tuesday, 24 January
Byzantium v0.1a (Scarab) Released! HacDC wiki.hacdc.org/index.php/Byzantium Porteus
Fun with Lisp: Just Intonation and Microtonality Andy Hefner just intonation microtonality Mixalot library
Why was MegaUpload REALLY shut down? Shauna Myers at Google+ reported
Thursday, 26 January
Quote From The Daily Reckoning
The Rules of American Justice @ZahraBilloo here
Pakistan Drone Kills Added to Obama Body Count
Dana Visalli
the statistics
War, Ecology & Intelligence
at LewRockwell.com
Barhnardt: The Patrick Henry Project Western Rifle Shooters this recitation PatrickHenryProject.org FreedomOutlaws.com
Friday, 27 January
New SSL Certificate CACert here billstclair.com/pgp.html keyserver.rayservers.com search for bill@billstclair.com
Saturday, 28 January
Anti-Gun Group to Launch Nationwide Boycott of Starbucks Patrick Burke at CNS News
Sunday, 29 January
The Costs of Compulsory Education Aaron Smith at The Ludwig von Mises Institute