April 2009
Thursday, 2 April
Savage 111 FCNS Bolt Action Rifle with AccuStock and Leupold's New VX-3 Riflescope Jeff Quinn at Gunblast AccuStock 11FCNS 111FCNS other models GalleryOfGuns.com
Cold Steel Medium Espada Folding Knife
Cold Steel Espada
Friday, 3 April
Workplace web bludging 'good for productivity' Brisbane Times here
Saturday, 4 April
Sunday, 5 April
None Are So Enslaved as Those Who Falsely Believe They Are Free Arto Bendiken
Invitation to an Open Conspiracy: The Bartleby Project John Taylor Gatto at The Libertarian Enterprise
Monday, 6 April
Further adventures with Puppy Linux Tom Knapp Puppy Linux
Knob Creek Vignettes: "Obama, count your 'children.'" Mike Vanderboegh Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot
Criticize by Creating Max Borders at TCS Daily Be the Solution FLOW
Fascists Shut Down Dallas ISP Tarek Saab FBI Raids Downtown Facility (see video)
Wednesday, 8 April
A Declaration of Separation From Free and Unashamed
Ruger Mini-14 5.56mm NATO Tactical Rifle Jeff Quinn at Gunblast blogged
Thursday, 9 April
The Declaration of Independence Has Been Repealed Dick Morris
Saturday, 11 April
Real Solutions For American and Mexican Violence Hunter at The Price of Liberty
Sunday, 12 April
Obama the Pitchfork Operator: Remake of the Soviet Classic Oleg Atbashian at Pajamas Media
Monday, 13 April
"If I Only Had a Gun" A.X. Perez at The Libertarian Enterprise
NASA delenda est Jim Davidson at The Libertarian Enterprise running for president in 2012
Pulp Nonfiction Christopher Hayes at The Nation
Taxation with Misrepresentation Sheldon Richman at The Future of Freedom Foundation
Tuesday, 14 April
Wednesday, 15 April
FLASH - Good News - Gov signs HB 246 Gary Marbut via Montana Hunting Today HB 246
Thursday, 16 April
Friday, 17 April
Cops: Public Servants or Fascist Pigs? (Part 1) Larken Rose this nine-minute video
A Future of Private Roads and Highways Walter Block at The Ludwig von Mises Institute Privatization of Roads and Highways
Court jails Pirate Bay founders BBC News thepiratebay.org/special/2009epicwinanyhow.php ThePirateBay.org
Militia killing the "BORG" myth with numbers LibertyTreeRadio at YouTube www.libertytreeradio.4mg.com
Saturday, 18 April
Sunday, 19 April
Free and Unashamed: Follow-up note 1 Free and Unashamed Declaration of Separation
When the Goons Show Up On Your Doorstep... Paul Bonneau at The Libertarian Enterprise
Monday, 20 April
Tuesday, 21 April
In Sun, Oracle Sees a Software Gem Steve Lohr at The New York Times
Night is Falling Jim Davidson at The Libertarian Enterprise Alongside Night Kindle version Trubanc graphic novel version movie script From Scott Bieser Alongside Night
Court Limits Warrantless Vehicle Searches AP via The Wall Street Journal here
Wednesday, 22 April
Playing For Change | Song Around The World "One Love" Concord Music Group PlayingForChange.com
Why Does America Have a Drug War? Jacob G. Hornberger at LewRockwell.com
Thursday, 23 April
CCTV Busting Infra-Red Headset Makes You Invisible Charlie Sorrel at Wired oberwelt.de
Sunday, 26 April
9 Artists Who Will Blow Your Mind Deputy Dog
A Publisher Defends Pirate Bay Paul Rosenberg creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/ The Pirate Bay a copy of make a donation buy it