April 2004
Thursday, 1 April: April Fools, 2004
- Nick Anderson at Marc Brands Liberty - Warning Signs
- GeekWithA.45 - I've Had A Change Of Heart...
- Gary Nolan had a short interview yesterday morning on 94 Rock convention
- Michael V. Pelletier at The High Road - Seized by the Manchester, New Hampshire PD for Open Carry
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Animal Rights: an Equine of a Dissimilar Hue
- Publicola - Wednesday, March 31, 6:35am Atlanta Declaration
- David Hackworth at World Net Daily - Maybe this time we'll get it right
- From this WESH.com story
- Aaron McGruder at Marc Brands Liberty - Geico
- The
Electronic Freedom Foundation
- Edward J. Steele - Two Eds are Better than One
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Miss Fitz' Guide to Guns, Part III: Ammo You Can Bet Your Life On
- Noah Shachtman at Wired - Revenge of the Killer Drones
- Morgan Reynolds at LewRockwell.com - 9/11: 80 Minutes of Unilateral Disarmament The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11
- Nicki Fellenzer and Angel Shamaya at KeepAndBearArms.com - APRIL FOOL: British Journalist Threatens Lawsuit Over Linking to His Crime Stories to Promote American Firearms Rights this Publicola entry
- Kevin Tuma - More Really Thin Books
- Ted Nugent was on Wakin' Up with the Wolf
- Kim du Toit - Amen
- David Carr at Samizdata.net - Important Announcement
- PapersPlease.org - Mr. Hiibel Goes to Washington
- Perry de Havilland at Samizdata.net -
A flowing river of lies
not cooperate
- Aaron Russo at KeepAndBearArms.com - The Security of a Free State www.RussoForPresident.com
- Marijuana Policy Project - MPP's Rob Kampia Testifies Before House Subcommittee
- # Project for the New American Empire Project for the New American Century
- # Students for an Orwellian Society
- bob lonsberry - Affirmative Action Bake Sale at U of R
- I read Tom Kratman's A State of Disobedience
- the check a couple of days early), so I bought at Best Buy yesterday a Saitek X45 1945 Skyfighters gave the X45 six drips Cyberhome DVD 300
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Free State Project Free State Project
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Libertarian Enterprise - Boycott of Verizon Communications
- Scott Bieser at Rational Review - How to tell the difference
- Fleet Bank - Bank of America / Fleet Merger
- Rebecca Cook at My Way News - Some Doctors Turn to Cash-Only Policies
- Andrew Orlowski at The Register - Why Sun threw in the towel in Mankind vs. Microsoft
- Ronald M. Gould and Andrew J. Kleinfeld of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit - Nordyke v. King wrote
- web site archive to a CD. I plugged that CD last night into my new Cyberhome 300
- My Dell Inspiron 8100
- Carl Bussjaeger at North American Samizdat -
REDACTED: Verizon pressured Hunter to have this site censored!
Verizon Boycott Graphics
- Pravda - Exposing Bush the liar, the mass murderer, the war criminal
- Laura Sullivan at The Baltimore Sun - U.S. declares war on porn
- My copy of Don Hill's fine 1945 Skyfighters
- David Carr at The New York Times -
Putting 40,000 Readers, One by One, on a Cover
- skrenta at Topix.net Weblog - The Secret Source of Google's Power petabyte Gmail About Gmail
- Bill Whittle - Area Man Confronted with a 45; Defends Self with Toy Airplane
- Robert C. Byrd on the Senate Floor via LewRockwell.com - A Call for an Exit Door from Iraq Congressional Record this page
- Yesterday, I made WeirdX ViewNow here
- Larken Rose - www.861.info
- Joshua Weage at Freshmeat.net - Small Arms Ballistics 1.3.0
- Terence McKenna at The Sputnik Drug Information Zone - Dream Matrix Telemetry DMT Sputnik Terrence McKenna page Lycaeum.org Lycaeum Entheogen Database
- GeekWithA.45 - AWB vs US Troops
- Moi - Google Bomb: Verizon Wants Helpless Employees latest Google Bomb Verizon
- Jeff Danziger - Bush the Uniter
- Mad Ogre - HELL PayPal
American Handgunner
# L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Pure Poison
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Mimbreno Chiracahua
- James Plummer at The Libertarian Enterprise - Privacy Villain of the Week: 'Registered Traveler' enablers
- Lady Liberty at The Libertarian Enterprise - Slippery Frogs and the US Supreme Court Dudley Hiibel
- Russmo.com - Dr. Bushorkian
- Claire Wolfe - Home
- Claire Wolfe - Post-Easter target shooting with Peeps
- Albert J. Nock - Our Enemy, The State
- Strike the Root - Bob Murphy's Columns
- Al Barger - Clarification needed for rules against "selling out"
- Dan Butterworth at Cannabis.com - Answering the DEA Drug Enforcement Agency's web site The Lie of Cannabis Prohibition
- Brad Edmonds at LewRockwell.com - Eet Mor Chocolate
- Jeff Head - Dragon's Fury: Eagle's Talons first excerpt
- Matt Furey - Exposed! Tim Larkin www.targetfocusweapons.com
- L. Neil Smith at Rational Review - The obverse side of history
- Lawrence Pintak at Guerilla News Network - Osama's Wet Dream
- Matt Davies via Marc Brands Liberty - Shock Radio
- Armed Forces Journal - Shoot-Out at Blackwater
- codehaus - Groovy codehaus XStream
- Publicola -
B.A.G. Day
Buy A Gun Day II
- frantic summer - Turn the Flag universal sign of distress
- Nicki Fellenzer at Armed Females of America - Judaism, Nazis and Gun Control
- Steven Yates at LewRockwell.com - Why I Avoid Airports here
Real Alternative
Shoot-Out at Blackwater Ken Holder
- Targetware Target Rabaul Skyfighters is Dead FlyGirl's Warbirds
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Miss Fitz' Guide to Guns, Part IV: Learning to save your life
- Don "Lobo" Tiggre at The Price of Liberty - Freedom, the Future, and YOU
- Lew Rockwell at LewRockwell.com - The Madness of President George
- Bruce Schneier - Crypto-Gram Newsletter: April 15, 2004 TSA-Approved Locks Beepcard
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Why I Love the IRS
- GeekWithA.45 - Pennsylvanians
- Tracy Connor at The New York Daily News - Beer ads full of boos for Bloomy Don't Sleep Campaign this 701K MP3
- Sharon Theimer at The Las Vegas Sun - Nation's Gun Lobby Creating News Company
- Anarchie Bunker at develnet.org - Daddy, why did we have to attack Iraq?
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - 15 April 2004: The Greening of the Desert
- National Rifle Association - NRANews.com
- Henry Appleton at Against Politics - Anarchism, True and False
- Joel Simon at The Libertarian Enterprise - Temporary Worker, Permanent Tourist
- Wing Enterprises - Little Giant Ladder System
- Bill St. Clair - Waco Justice
- Don "Lobo" Tiggre at The Price of Liberty - The One Thing Guaranteed To Work
- Today is 420 Lahr
- Publicola http://publicola.mu.nu/
- Publicola - Patriot Day
- Fred's M14 Stocks - Scores Killed, Hundreds Injured As Para-Military Extremists Riot
- Anthony Gregory at LewRockwell.com - Eleven Years Since Waco and Very Little Has Changed
- Kim du Toit - RE: Hiking With Heat Hiking with Heat
- Paul Boutin at Salon - Read My Mail, Please: The silly privacy fears about Google's e-mail service GMail alongside it Carnivore column Politech
- Columbia County Health Department - Lyme Disease
- Lew Rockwell at The Ludwig von Mises Instutute - What Should Freedom Lovers Do?
- Harry Browne - The Top 19 Dumbest Statements of the Past Week
- Second Amendment Sisters (SAS) - S.A.F.E.R. Event Speakers Announced
- Kim du Toit - Gratuitous Gun Pic: FN P90 (5.7x28mm) FN Herstal
- Fred Reed at LewRockwell.com - I Love the Media
- Jerome Tuccille at LewRockwell.com - Gearing Up For the Next Military Draft
- New Hampshire Legislature - SB454
- Warblogging - Taking the Dover Test
- Ron Paul at LewRockwell.com - The Lessons of 9/11
- Real Guns - The .45 ACP, GAP, SAP
- Henry David Thoreau at LewRockwell.com - On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
- John deLaubenfels at Strike the Root - My Personal Declaration of Independence
- Publicola - Chris Cox NRA Speech speech
- Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey at Pravda.ru - An example of National Security, Bush style
- Billionaires for Bush or Kerry Decision 2004 Flip Coin Platform and Agenda page
- mvpel at The High Road - Seized by the Manchester, New Hampshire PD for Open Carry page 18
- Jonathan Alter at MSNBC - Yes, We Can Handle the Truth
- Ken Holder at The Libertarian Enterprise - Listening Session: The Agony of Disappointment, the Joy of Success Sennheiser
- Peter J. Mancus at Cloud 9 Photography - The Most Important Link: Liberty, Courage, and Firearms
- David Carr at Samizdata - It is the answer to everything BBC article
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - If it's a threat .. shoot the cat
- David E. Sanger and Thom Shanker at The New York Times via The Toronto Star - U.S. set to storm Falluja
- Rahul Mahajan's Empire Notes - Things are looking very bad for Fallujah
- Richard Tyler at World Socialist Web Site - Blunkett to legislate for "thought crimes" and guilt by association
- Tom Toles at Marc Brands Liberty - Things we are not supposed to see
- Larry Simoneaux at American Daily - When You Come For My Guns
- Doing Freedom! -
Spring 2004: Volume 4, Issue 1
- Richard Rieben at Doing Freedom! Addiction
- Bill Berkowitz at AlterNet - Pot Growers Win Key Victory
- Fran Tully's Free West - Freedom...Not Free S#*T!
- From Thoughts of Chairman Kim
- # Mad Ogre his Marlin
- U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing - About the New $50 Notes 280K Flash animation
- William Marina at The Independent Institute - Iraq: The Moon Is Down, Again!
- Bob Wallace at LewRockwell.com - The Elephant and the Ants
- Luke Harding at The Guardian - Huge US attack to crush Iraq rebels described by the Washington Post warmed the cockles
- Carl F. Worden at The Price of Liberty - Another Huge Medical Marijuana Win story
- The OQO ultra personal computer (uPC) video
- The Million Marijuana March cities
- Mark Morford at SFGate.com - Is Your Porn Safe?
- Roger Young at Strike the Root - Pat Tillman--Revisited and Laid to Rest
- Nicholas Strakon at Strike the Root - Worse Than Nothing
- New Hampshire Legislature - SB454
- Charley Reese - Peace Possible
- Dr. Robert Bowman at The Baltimore Chronicle - Some Dare Call It Treason: Wake Up America!
- lunaville.org - Iraq Coalition Casualty Count U.S. Fatalities Map Iraq Body Count names
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Parsing a Firearms Farce
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - April 2004: Rites of Spring The Greening of the Desert
- NRA-ILA - ClintonGunBan.com
- Jonathan Ringel at The Fulton County Daily via Law.com - Martha Burk Wins Augusta Speech Challenge here here
- John C. Krull at Gun Week -
The M1A--Springfield's Version Of Vietnam Era Military M-14