Small Victory for the Fourth
It used to be
That when I would wake in the morning
I could with confidence say,
"What am 'I' going to
That was before the seed
Cracked open.
Now Hafiz is certain:
There are two of us housed
In this body,
Doing the shopping together in the market and
Tickling each other
While fixing the evening's food.
Now when I awake
All the internal instruments play the same music:
"God, what love-mischief can 'We' do
For the world
Libertarian Party Press Release - Supreme Court's thermal imaging decision is just the start of high-tech privacy battle - The supremes made a close decision upholding our fourth amendment rights, but police-state Amerika has lots more tricks up its sleeves.
"Don't celebrate yet," said Steve Dasbach, the party's national director. "Police can still employ an appalling array of science fiction-style devices, including X-rated X-rays that display your naked body; radar guns that see through walls; and ion sniffers that detect traces of drugs in the air."
30-Hour Marijuana Smoke Out: July 12-15, 2001 - This is the fourth annual event in State College Pennsylvania sponsored by Julian Heicklen. I don't plan to go since I'll be leaving on the 12th for the Ukraine, in sha' allah.
Dave Polaschek at Dave's Picks - 11. June, 2001 - Lots of links about the commU.N.ists plans to ban small arms and the Tyranny Response Team's response.
John McCabe at - Monday, June 11, 2001 - a few thoughts on the offing of Timothy McVeigh. I felt dirty when I thought of his death by lethal injection. I still believe he lost his right to life when he set off the bomb, but the government that killed him has committed many more and much worse atrocities. [loony]
Daniel Ruth at The Tampa Tribune - Take this U.S. Constitution and ... - good commentary on the three protesters who were arrested for holding up signs at a gw rally. Turns out the Secret Service had nothing to do with it. The perps were the Tampa police acting on a request from the g.o.p. [unknown]
damaged justice - Monday, June 11, 2001 - a long rant on how the streaming media players make it more difficult all the time to save a copy of what they're playing. And thanks for the link to BlogMax. [MfM]
Connie Guglielmo at ZDNet - Microsoft Tries To Get Smart - Good article on Microsoft's proposed new feature to add "smart tags", browser-created links to Microsoft-approved content, to web pages. One more reason to use Opera (link to the best browser on the planet). [script wes]
I updated BlogMax with the RSS changes I made the other day. It now appears to work correctly with Feedreader.
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Moore's Law Marches On
Nutrasweet: Monsanto's Little Gift to the World
Mary J. Ruwart: Next Commissioner of the f.d.a.?
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Senate decides law need not apply to judges
Let There Be Stories