Nutrasweet: Monsanto's Little Gift to the World

Nancy Markle - Diet Drink Anyone? A friend of mine spammed me with this. I don't know if it's true, but it wouldn't surprise me. A naturopath that I trust told me a while back that aspartame is much worse than sugar. It was rammed through the f.d.a. approval process. Apparently, diet soft drinks sweetened with aspartame are responsible for world-wide epidemics of systemic lupus and a condition that looks like multiple sclerosis. If you want to avoid sugar, look for stevia, recently approved by the f.d.a. Avoid aspartame like the plague.
When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood Alcohol in Aspartame converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants). The methanol toxicity mimics multiple sclerosis thus peoples were being diagnosed with having multiple sclerosis in error. The multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, where methanol toxicity is.
Harry Browne at WorldNetDaily - What if all drugs were legal? (gasp!) - Opponents of medical marijuana are complaining that it will open the door to legalization. So what? All drugs were legal in America not too long ago, and it wasn't a problem. Yes, some people ruined their lives with them. Some still do now. Harry gives us a whole lot of upsides, "It all drugs were legal...". Well said!
Don't Thank the NRA - Why the National Rifle Association's political tactics are all wrong. They start with what they think they can get rather than sticking to their guns (pun intended) and starting with what is right. For example, I doubt we'll get complete deregulation of drugs any time soon, but if we start there, then alcohol-style legalization becomes a compromise. [grabbe]
"Things could be worse."
Yes, that is true. The political establishment and cultural propensities of the United States of America could be far more destructive than they are now or have been in the past. We could have 100% confiscation of our income rather than merely 50%. We could have complete censorship rather than the patchwork infringements we now "enjoy." We could have widespread persecutions of political opponents of the status quo rather than the selective targeting by the Internal Revenue Service and various law enforcement agencies that currently exists. We could be required to carry internal passports rather than the de facto national identification card (i.e., our Social "Security" number) we presently must offer in order to get a job, cash a check, board an airplane, get a driver's license, apply for a loan, or a thousand other daily activities we do.
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - Horiuchi Decision a Start but there's Danger in the Dissent - an appeals court has ruled that the state of Idaho may try Lon Horiuchi for the brutal murder of Vicki Weaver. How white of them. This nazi should have been executed many years ago. The article is calmer than my opinion of this slug. [jpfo]
How many FBI, ATF, and IRS agents should be tried for violating the Bill of Rights? How many for violating state laws? How many bureaucrats and enforcement agents routinely abuse their authority - precisely because they know they can get away with it in a land that increasingly worships state power - as those dissenting judges clearly do? Ruthlessness and abuse of power have become so rampant that there wouldn't be enough courtrooms to conduct all the trials of guilty government employees.
This summer, a new book by Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman will blow the lid off the coming American police state. The State vs. the People will show exactly what makes a country a police state. (It's not random acts of government brutality; it's a sophisticated system of government control with brutality as one lever of power.) The book will show why America is not yet a police state - but why it's almost certain to become one if we don't reverse direction soon.
DRCNet - Hemp Embargo Stalled, Advocates Continue Legal Battle - It appears that the d.e.a.'s attempt to ban industrial hemp has been delayed until at least October.
BlogMax now has a freshmeat project page.