Mary J. Ruwart: Next Commissioner of the f.d.a.?
Every address for
Who has just one color of hair,
One gender, one race,
The same suntan all the time,
One rule book,
Trust me when I say,
That man is not even
Half a god
And will only
Cause you
Kevin Tuma - Federal Bureau in need of Investigation - cartoon commentary on the dickheads.
Amber Kronberg has moved her blog to [eden]
I didn't sleep enough this week. Too many late nights working on BlogMax. Going to Boston this weekend for my wife's college reunion. Her fraternity has a day-long barbecue. Hope the kids like it.
William Faloon at Sierra Times - The Next FDA Commissioner Could Determine How Long You Live! - This was posted 3 weeks ago, but I didn't link to it until now because I wanted to verify its veracity. I received confirming email yesterday. Mary J. Ruwart has applied to be the next Commissioner of the f.d.a. Ms. Ruwart is the author of Healing Our World, a wonderful discussion of how a libertarian society would improve our world, and the book that set firmly in my mind the fact every law points a gun at somebody's head. It appears that she is qualified for the position. She could make a major difference. Mr. Falloon recommends sending a letter to the White House in support of Ms. Ruwart, and even provides a form letter should you prefer. [sierra]
Our fear is that lifesaving therapies will continue to remain bogged down in FDA red tape if a change within the agency is not made. It has become so burdensome to gain FDA approval that innovative therapies in the U.S. are being abandoned because of extraordinarily high costs and uncertain bureaucratic delays.
If Dr. Ruwart were to become the new Commissioner, this barrier against medical innovation would be diminished. More Americans would gain rapid access to novel medical treatments that could significantly extend the healthy human life span.
What makes the FDA problem unique is the possibility that each of us will die from a disease that could have been effectively treated if the FDA didn't stand in the way.
J.J. Johnson at Sierra Times - Small Business Owner Refuses to Withhold Taxes; Responds to New York Media Outlet - Al Thompson is in the news again for refusing to pay his dole to the federal behemoth. Good for him. [sierra]
Al Thompson, the business owner who is the current best-known advocate that American companies and their workers do not have to pay income taxes, claims that the government's actions Thursday are illegitimate. The New York Times reported that The IRS has taken the first steps to collect tax payments from Thompson.
"This is true, however - the IRS continually violates their own procedure, and have violated at every step my right to due process under the Constitution of the United States." Says Thompson: "They don't follow their own printed procedure. Dealing with the IRS is like dealing with a mindless idiot."