Moore's Law Marches On
Occasionally I've written columns on what I like to term "Faces of Evil", those politicians whom I consider to be exemplars of government slavemasters, true devotees of the jackboot. Logically, the one trait that serves as connecting tissue for all these abhorrent insects is an overriding hatred of the 2nd Amendment above and beyond their disdain for the rest of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
A prime example, now rising to the top of the political dunghill, is Senator Charles Schumer, Democrat of New York.
Examine the photograph included with this column well. Look very closely at the gleeful expression of Schumer as he fires the fully automatic machine pistol that he wants his BATF bullyboys to have, but not the common citizen. He's pointing that weapon directly at you.

Jim Cason and David Brooks of La Jornada (Mexico City) via Narco News - The Decriminalization of Drugs: "An Alternative Combat Policy" - New Mexico's governor Gary Johnson is in Mexico this weekend attending the annual meeting of border state governors. On Friday, he repeated his clarion call for decriminalization of drugs. [grabbe]
The governor said that the prohibition of drugs is a policy that only generates a black market, violence, corruption, crime and damages to public health. He recalls that this was the experience with the prohibition of alcohol in the United States in the 1920s. By decriminalizing, he argues, the business of narco-trafficking would end and government resources could be dedicated to a more effective method than that which is today centered upon police, jails and militarization, toward treatment and reducing harm to public health, in order to solve this problem.
Michael Peirce at - At The Crossroads - Remember those maps with the gw counties in red and the algore counties in blue? Well, the red zone is mad as hell and we're not gonna take it any more. [lew]
There are those other students as well -- the ones the schools couldn't get to. Like that kid with a bald head and an earring that I met in the local library recently. We got to chatting and I found he was here to look up information on the War Between the States. He looked me right in the eye and said, "I want to know why they hate our flag!"
The FBI expected "good patriotic Americans" to stand up for them after their series of Keystone Cops style blunders. We didn't. Nobody did. Turns out that folks just don't think it's a good idea to manufacture or conceal evidence, or to kill citizens in the name of big government. Sorry to disappoint you people, but we were paying attention when you murdered those kids at Waco. We know you have assassins on the payroll -- and we want to see the Lon Horiuchis of this world ride the lighting. Besides, the whole concept of federal cops is un-constitutional anyway -- why on earth would we want them to be efficient? We want them gone. They want us to hate Timothy McVeigh and isn't it hilarious how all of a sudden the left loves the death penalty? I suppose the one crime worthy of death is an attack on the government -- at least in their minds. Yet a lot of us are wondering just why Janet Reno is not getting a shot of that bad medicine right along with ole Tim. Murder is murder, right?
Steven Yates at - "Let My Children Go": A Christian Exodus from Government Schools? - a long article extolling the virtues of E. Ray Moore's Exodus Mandate Project, a plan to remove the children of evangelical Christian families from "Pharoah's schools". [lew]
Government schools are not mentioned in either the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution. There is no evidence of Constitutional room for any federal role in education-whether to set up and run "public schools" or regulate other people's schools. In 1786 (the year prior to the Constitutional Convention), the State of Virginia passed what became known as the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. It disestablished the Church of England, and this did away with "public churches" there. Thomas Jefferson wrote: "To compel a man to furnish contributions for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves or abhors is sinful and tyrannical." While the Statute dealt with churches, the same kind of argument could be made for schools, which in Virginia were all private and church run. In other words, "public schools" were not a part of any original American educational model. They were not consistent with what was believed by the majority of the Framers. The government-run K-12 school system is a fundamentally renegade educational model-illegitimate in a Constitutional republic.
Scott S. Greenberger at the Boston Globe - Principal says he chose the lesser evil: He draws criticism for OK'ing fistfight - Curtis Wells, principal of Champion Charter School in Brockton, MA, home of boxing champions Rocky Marciano and Marvelous Marvin Hagler, chose an unusual method to end an argument between two students. It worked. Well. Now the socialists are falling over each other condemning his method. Mr. Wells, I salute you. [market]
John Markof at the New York Times -
Intel Makes an Ultra-Tiny Chip - Moore's law marches on with a
tiny one-volt transistor from Intel. Smaller transistors have been
made in the lab, but this one uses standard fabrication
techniques. [script]
At a technical conference being held this weekend in Kyoto, Japan, a scientist for the Intel Corporation reported that the company had successfully made a handful of silicon transistors no more than 70 to 80 atoms wide and 3 atoms thick. They are capable of switching on and off 1.5 trillion times a second, making them the world's fastest silicon transistor.
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