Happy Cinqo de Mayo. It's also my brother, Steve's, birthday. Happy Birthday, Bro! And, according to Sean Hackbarth of The American Mind:
Today is Karl Marx's birthday. If I were in London, I would go and spit on his grave. Communism killed and tortured millions in its quest to change human nature. It failed and we are still seeing its repercussions.
Take Hillary for instance, please.
And a couple of truly weird links compliments of Ian Goddard.
R. William Davis - Shadow of the Swastika (The Elkhorn Manifesto): "The Real Reason the Government Won't Debate Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization". Claims that U.S. corporations, starting with Hearst & DuPont were involved with the Nazis before, during, and after World War II, right up to the present. I have only skimmed part of this. Most unusual. To be taken with a grain of salt.
Science, Truth and Law Forum: Gatewood Galbraith's writings on marijuana and other things. I haven't read any of this yet.
Thank you Mr. Goddard.
Arianna Huffington - Elian And The Drug War: Yes! [cn]
"When you see those photographs of those INS agents in combat gear with automatic weapons entering that house ... and snatching the kid away," fumed Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), "that's not America. That's not America.""I couldn't imagine something like that could happen in America," echoed Mayor Rudy Giuliani. "My first thought," protested Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.), "was that this could only happen in Castro's Cuba."
My first thought was -- you gotta be kidding, right? Can these savvy politicians really be oblivious to the thousands of SWAT-like night raids that take place every year in America in the name of the drug war? The only thing missing from them are AP photographers leaping fences to capture the action -- and media eager to disseminate it around the world.
Yahoo Finance - Washington Supreme Court Rules Shrink Wrap Licensing Binding Without Explicit Consent: If this stands, they won't need no steenking UCITA. Concerns the case of case of M.A. Mortenson v. Timberline Software Corp. Timberline is one of my company's competitors. [faisal]
David C. Manchester at osOpinion - MS Breakup not nearly enough: Mr. Manchester claims he isn't a communist, but he sure smells like one to me. The only criminals here are in the justice department. [faisal]
Dissolve this company. Jail these criminals. Confiscate their ill-gotten gains. And compensate their victims.
Gary Clark at Sierra Times - Why is the REAL cause of the spread of AIDS hushed-up?: He didn't point at the study he's quoting below, but I found it here. It says nothing about sodomy, so my guess is that they didn't control for that. I'm not sure what gyrations Mr. Clark went through to arrive at his conclusions. They may be valid, but it is not stated that way in the referenced article. Personally, I think he's probably right, though I don't agree with his conclusion that we need stricter anti-sodomy laws. Remember, there are no political solutions to any problem. Government doesn't work. [sierra]
The August 15, 1997, "American Journal of Epidemiology" reported that male-to-female transmission of HIV is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, requiring on average one thousand unprotected sexual (non-anal) contacts, and female-to-male requires on average 8,000.Read the above one more time, slowly.
What it says, in glaring lights, is this: AIDS is spread by SODOMY, not by other forms of normal heterosexual activity.
Jeff Howe at The Village Voice - Down by Law: About Attorney Martin Garbus, who is (probably) defending Eric Corley of in his DeCSS case. The wild wild web has already won this battle in reality. May it win in the courts as well. [lt]
Eric Foster-Johnson at - Review: IBM Java JDK 1.3 Preview Release: He likes it. i386 only, of course. Drat. I still don't have a decent JVM for my PowerMac 9600 running LinuxPPC. [lt]
MASS Multiples makes display systems that allow you to connect many monitors to your system at once. [/.]