I'm outraged too. I'm so mad I can't see straight. I wish there had been snipers watching the house in Miami. I wish that they had put a bullet in the head of every single jack-booted thug. I wish that they had made a huge bonfire and roasted the corpses to ash. I defecate on those ashes.
There. I feel better now. Good thing I wasn't there with a gun. I'd be dead now.
J.D. Tucille at About.com - Elian raid turns right into wrong: Says that Elian belongs with his father, but the feds way of making that happen sucked big time. "But now, despite being right about the return of Elian Gonzalez to his father, Janet Reno has created a situation in which New York Mayor Giuliani of all people, the godfather of police brutality in America, can accuse the feds of acting like 'storm troopers' and sound credible. Nice going." [market]
Stephen Hunter at the Washington Post -
The Gun Seen Round The World : An analysis of the famous photograph
from someone who appears to know a lot about the MP-5 and its proper
use. That gun did NOT belong on this raid and its holder was not
controlling it properly, at least during the split second of the
picture. [market]
J.J. Johnson at Sierra Times - Where were you when they Kidnapped Elian? "Those who wrote the Second Amendment meant for citizens to have the right to keep and bear arms to neutralize the types of animals who assaulted the residence of Elian Gonzales... History probably won't condemn the next man who sends lead flying on impulse at the next jack-booted thug who assaults an American's home. And if for some reason one day you find yourself ridding the world of Clinton's storm troopers in your own home, don't dial 911 when you're done... call the Department of Sanitation." [sierra]
John LeBoutillier at NewsMax - Clinton & Craig Have More To 'Get Done': thinks that Clinton will try to rig Elian's INS asylum hearings, but that the Atlanta court will save him. "Thank God for an independent judiciary created by our Founding Fathers. Those same men would urge yet another American Revolution if they saw that illegal raid on Elian's home." [max]
Carl Limbache at NewsMax - Giuliani Slams Reno, Clinton -- Says Fidel Ordered Raid: Herr Rudy got it right this time. He needs to pay attention a little closer to home and stop the Fidel-style raids in NYC. [max]
Nancy Johnson at Sierra Times - Indictment against The Miami Kidnappers: if there were a DA in Florida with any cojones, we'd be seeing an indictment like this. [sierra]