I gave myself an icon over at weblogs.com: "zeldman.idream"
Dave Winer
tells Conxion what they can do with their internet service. Hehe.
John Perry Barlow at the Electronic Frontier Foundation - Bill O' Rights Lite: How the bill of rights is currently interpreted by the government. He appears to agree with me that breathalizer tests, urine tests, and blood tests are direct and flagrant violations of the fifth amendment. He's also no fan of armed robbery by government, er... "asset forfieture". This dates from 1993, at which time Mr. Barlow blamed the Reagan-Bush era. After the past 8 years of slick willy's reign, I think we can all agree that the republocrats are definitely responsible. My current take on it is that government causes tyranny. The solution is obvious. [faisal]
Lew Rockwell at WorldNetDaily - Ground the military: America should have no standing army. Day-to-day protection should come from local militias, and "The national defense would be put together only when U.S. soil was directly threatened". My quick back-of-the-brain calculation is that this will save us at least $1,000 apiece for every man, woman, and child. I could use that $4,000. How about you? [wnd]
Jim Abrams at AP via The Topeka Capital-Journal - Congress passes asset forfeiture bill: The House took 29 minutes on Tuesday to anonymously approve the senate's version of H.R.1658. This bill is a good start, but there's a lot more to do. Armed robbery by government must be completely eliminated. Ending the war on drugs would help reduce the perceived need for it. [market]
David Calderwood at The Laissez Faire City Times - Village Idiot Gun Proposals: Shows the absurdity and stupidity of trigger locks, smart guns, and bullet and shell-casing "fingerprints". Conclusion:
All in all, we have a lot of newsprint and airtime devoted to some of the stupidest ideas this side of paying farmers not to grow crops. All because our erstwhile reporters don't have the sense to fire a few pointed questions at these big windbags. All they'd have to ask is, "Governor, there are already over two hundred million privately held firearms in America, we know guns last for hundreds of years. Since your proposal can't possibly have anything to do with reducing crime, what's your real agenda?"The Framers of the Constitution would be able to tell us in a New York minute.
Peggy Harris of AP via CNN.com - Arkansas committee reviewing first lady's law license: Disbarment for the queen. What a wonderful thought. [market]
Joel on Software - User Interface Design for Programmers, Chapter 3: Choices: "Every time you provide an option, you're asking the user to make a decision. That means they will have to think about something and decide about it. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but, in general, you should always try to minimize the number of decisions that people have to make."