I feel recently like the Sierra Times fan club. They seem to be the place on the web with which I most closely resonate right now. Thank you to J.J. Johnson and friends.
Angus Glashier is taking a break from politics to focus on software development. [latte]
David Nielson at Sierra Times - The Federal Government Must Die: "Can you spell "Police State?" You might want to practice, because that's what we live in... George Washington... illegally... put down the Whiskey Rebellion... During War of Northern Aggression, Lincoln demolished any pretext of legal restraints on the action of the federal government,.. The federal government has no constitutional jurisdiction over child custody cases. But the pre-dawn raid by federal storm troopers to snatch Elian Gonzales is just one more demonstration that the federal government is no longer bound by the Constitution. And if there is no hard edge the government can bump up against, no barrier over which it can't pass, then it is a cancer that will grow until it consumes every last vestige of our human rights, liberty, and dignity, or until it is killed off completely... The federal government must die. It must cease to exist. It must go the way of the dinosaurs before we go the way of Hitler's Holocaust victims." [sierra]
I agree. The Elian kidnapping has pushed me over the line. I was thinking that anarchy might be a good idea. Now I am sure of it. That doesn't mean I'll be out there hurting people or destroying property. Only criminals behave that way. And the sneakiest criminals wear official-looking uniforms. This is not to say that everyone in a uniform is a criminal. Far from it. We are still a nation made up largely of honest, hard-working, God-loving, people, peace officers included. But the corruption in all parts of our society has become epidemic, and government is where that corruption is the most dangerous, and the most prevalent. I agree with Claire Wolfe and David Nielson that it is too late to fix the U.S. government. It must be destroyed. I still hope this destruction can happen peacefully, by convincing enough people of this truth, and allowing the government to collapse under its own weight, as did the USSR. More and more, however, I'm afraid that it won't work that way. God help us.
I think Elian is probably very happy with his father. May God bless them. This does not make the actions of Janet Reno's gestapo any less despicable. The means never justify the ends. Read that again. The means NEVER justify the ends. Said as the voluntaryists do, take care of the means and the ends will take care of themselves.
Sergei Borglum Hoff at Sierra Times - Second Amendment - The Real Meaning: "Make no mistake! Anyone, regardless of ignorance or intent, who deprives you of the means or ability to defend the lives of yourself and family is your mortal enemy and must be consciously and continuously perceived as such. All anti self-defense activists are as deadly a threat to you and your family as any uncontrolled violent criminal or psychopath." [sierra]
Tina Terry at Sierra Times - The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Vs Gun Owner Linda Hamilton Saga Continues to Unfold, Part II: A long piece going into more detail about the questionable behavior of the state police. More to come. [sierra]
Part III tells of Linda's psychological condition and some feedback she received in the press and in personal emails. It also tells you where to send donations and how to contact some of the Massachusetts law enforcement involved in the case. [sierra]
Direct Action Network via Sierra Times - Cell phone numbers of DC police involved against WTO demonstrators: Apparently some of the cops at the D.C. WTO demonstration had unusual ideas of how to do their jobs. Ideas that required covering their name badges. If you received this treatment, know someone who did, or just heard about it and want to provide a little feedback, here's a list of private cell phone numbers. Are some Unintended Consequences going to kick in soon? Inquiring minds want to know. [sierra]
Vin Supryoniwicz at Sierra Times - Paying Our Debts: A man who owed a large amount of money to a Las Vegas casino sued them for attempting to collect the debt. He lost, of course, but his attorneys vow to appeal. "What a bunch of weasels." [sierra]
Dennis Elam at WorldNetDaily Debating drugs: The current political candidates seem to think that the important issues of the day are how to fatten the pockets of the education lobby, whether to fly the stars and bars in SC, and how best to turn us into defenseless sheep by stealing our guns. Mr. Elam presents a laundry list of real issues that might engender a real debate, the war on freedom (er, drugs) topping his list. [wnd]
Charles Krauthammer at the Washington Post -
The Picture : some good points about Madam Gas-em's latest conquest. [wnd]
Jon E. Dougherty at WorldNetDaily - Ms. Reno, spare me your tears: Before the kidnapping, Jon thought that Elian should be reunited with his father in Cuba. He has changed his mind. [wnd]
Microsoft is hosting the Freedom to Innovate Network, "a non-partisan, grassroots network of citizens and businesses who have a stake in the success of Microsoft and the high-tech industry". I'm no fan of Microsoft, but splitting them up is a really bad idea. [latte]
Stephanie Miles at CNET - Palm arms handhelds for "wireless revolution" They're moving some of the new Palm Pilot models from Motorola's Dragonball (680x0) processor to the ARM. This will speed them up, but at the expense of making most software incompatible (my conclusion, not in the article). They also plan to beef up the telecommunication capabilities and add voice recognition. [/.]
Halycon Software Products - Instant ASP is a Java implementation of Microsoft's ASP web-site framework. There is a free, limited, developer version. It costs $495 for Linux/NT/Novel, more for other platforms. [meat]