October 2011
Saturday, 1 October
AlphaDog Proto Boston Dynamics on YouTube Slashdot IEEE Spectrum Wired
EcoProducts Compostable Green Stripe Cups this LetsGoGreen.biz page EcoProducts.com
Sunday, 2 October
iPhone 5 Liveblogs live.gizmodo.com ars technica macworld.com/live engadget gdgt The Unofficial Apple Weblog Boy Genius Report The Motley Fool cnet live.slashgear.com
Monday, 3 October
9/11: Even If the Official Story Is True, the Official Response Is Still Wrong Doug Newman at The Libertarian Enterprise
Thursday, 6 October
Steve Jobs, RIP apple.com here apple.com/stevejobs rememberingsteve@apple.com YouTube video Richard Dreyfuss read Time Magazine Wired's home page tribute video and story Steve Jobs and the Reserved Seat Boing Boing
Saturday, 8 October
Obama’s Very Real Death Panel Anthony Gregory at LewRockwell.com
Respecting Intellectual Property Claire Wolfe L. Neil Smith Scott Bieser N. Stephan Kinsella mises.org/books/against.pdf at mises.org Neil Richard Bartucci Cathy L.Z. Smith Cathy NoMoreCages.org copyleft viral form Creative Commons software I write Apache License Cory Doctorow Ludwig von Mises Institute
The Third Wave, CNC, Stereolithography, and the end of gun control Clarke at Popehat claire
It is nice to be loved. I make my second Clinton "Enemies List." Mike Vanderboegh
Sunday, 9 October
The Air I Breathe L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise
Linux In JavaScript, With Persistent Storage timothy at Slashdot jslinux Fabrice Bellard QEMU here
Monday, 10 October
Friday, 14 October
Silverblog Silverblog Money, Commerce, and Taxation RSS feed news aggregator
Why the State Demands Control of Money Hans-Hermann Hoppe at The Ludwig von Mises Institute
Saturday, 15 October
Fedora 15 Fedora 15 Desktop Edition Truledger
Monday, 17 October
X Lossless Decoder
XLD, X Lossless Decoder
Thursday, 20 October
Lytro’s Light Field Camera Creates ‘Living’ Pictures Christina Bonnington at Wired Lytro Light Field Camera
Saturday, 22 October
First They Came for the Smokers... And I said Nothing Because I Was Not a Smoker Knowledge of Self at Sott.net
The American Solution to the TSA-Army Checkpoint From Freedom Guide
Monday, 31 October
Robin Hood Defamed Again L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise