Occupy Your Ownself

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 10 Oct 2011 13:48:52 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Claire Wolfe reflects on the usefulness of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Bottom line: physician free thyself.

YOU are the one thing that government and their Siamese twins in the financial world can’t manipulate, can’t “reform,” can’t control. Your independent mind and your intelligent desire to live separately from their concepts are the most powerful freaking weapons in the whole wide world.

Can government and their incestuous siblings in power really, truly eff up your world? Oh my. It’s the one thing they’re absolutely great at. We always have to work around the damnable things they do, and it gets harder by the day.

But that won’t change if we do them the honor of throwing ourselves at them in protest. That just tells them we believe in their authority.

You want a real freedom revolution? Then go inside your own head and demand that you free you. Heavens, the influence you can have there! The change you can spark! It’s awesome.

You can just go in there and tell your ownself what it needs to do to be more free — and it happens. No v*ting, no protesting, no petitioning, no lawmaking required.

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