UN Press Release On Small Arms Conference

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 14:21:29 GMT  <== RKBA ==> 

Publicola fisks this Jeremy Lovell blather. [publicola]

"IANSA wants countries to draw up global standards to regulate the international transfer of weapons and gun possession among civilians. It also wants to incorporate armed violence prevention into development projects and funding."

They want to create standards of victim disarmament. Don't let them tell you any different. Note that line about "...gun possession among civilians..." "Civilians" means you. "Guns" means anything that can fire a projectile including air rifles. "Regulate" means prohibit. Since most countries do have laws concerning gun possession by civilians it would seem that IANSA wants a uniform, international standard, like "no civilians may possess firearms".

"All guns start as legal weapons ... what happens after that (is) where the trouble begins,' said Lawson, adding that 60 percent of guns were in civilian hands."

No; the trouble begins when those 60% of the civilians are disarmed. Then the government realizes it can do whatever it wishes to those civilians since they're defenseless.

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