Celebrity Worship

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 14:43:28 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Neil filets the airheads who populate our TV and movie screens. [tle]

What are actors, anyway? With rare exception they are barely human beings, bad-tempered infants so incredibly empty and stupid that they need a writer and a director to fill their mouths with words and tell them where to put their feet. The very best among them are addicts and drunks and bullies who seem to be able to get away with practically any crime that anyone cares to name, but who would be in prison for what they do every day if they wore bib overalls, flannel shirts, and had a '54 DeSoto up on cinderblocks in their front yard. Actors ought to be deflated, folded neatly, and put away when they aren't being used.

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