The lion must die

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 10:38:59 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Wayne Laugesen at Boulder Weekly - if a mountain lion stalks your kid, kill it, says Mr. Laugesen, even if some officious fucktard threatens to ticket you for it. I concur. In spades. And that goes double for two-legged predators, uniformed or not. [root]

Regardless, it's clear that one can't rely on 911 or a state agency for anything but carcass removal when a predator threatens life and limb. Get a gun; kill the predator. You're well within your rights to do so, even if some zealot tickets you. In court, you're likely to prevail, and if not you'll know you made the life-giving choice.

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