How We Can Get There From Here

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 18:12:31 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Jim Davies at Strike the Root - an introduction to TOLFA, The Online Freedom Academy. [root]

So the main task to be completed in my opinion is to so educate every member of society one by one as to convince him that a zero government society is the only kind consistent with his human nature and the only one that will maximize his pleasure in life; and that must be done by reason. So the two obstacles to surmount are the vast numbers involved, and the ugly fact that most people have been so well indoctrinated that they are barely open to reason; they live rather by myth, prejudice and superstition.

Here's how both these huge obstacles can be overcome. I am proposing something new: a program of universal, systematic education. I have prepared TOLFA, The On Line Freedom Academy, for the use of every reader here and then by all his or her friends and then all theirs...

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