September 2002
Sunday, 1 September: Miraculous Poverty
- The Oregon Trail Bullet Company makes TrueShot Bullets
- Cascadia Media Collective - Portland Bush Protest Pops Off
- Portland Independent Media Center - portland bush protest A22
- PDX Dragon at Portland Independent Media Center - Critical Mass ride - Text and Photos
- Jeremy David Stolen at Portland Independent Media Center - Mayor Katz takes on Critical Mass and loses
- The Libertarian Enterprise
- Marc Morano at CNS News - Introduction of the Flush Toilet Deplored at Earth Summit
- Leon Louw at The Telegraph - Poverty today is truly miraculous
- Wiggy's Outdoor Gear catalog frontpage Antarctic Parka
- Arms & Ammo
- World Net Daily - Iran paper compares Bush, Hitler
- Preston Peet at High Times - Silencing the New Jersey Weedman
- Cannabis News - Health Canada Lets American Grow, Use Pot
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libtertarian - Pig in a Peignoir
- Julian Borger at Guardian Unlimited - White House in disarray over Cheney speech
- Sarah Boseley at Guardian Unlimited - Ecstasy not dangerous, say scientists
- Drew Cullen at The Register - flogs $199 Linux OS PCs
- chrisd at Slashdot - Java Media Framework Drops MP3 JavaLayer
- L. Neil Smith at Rational Review - It isn't too early
- "The Laissez Faire Capitalism Gateway (
- Privacy Policy
- - When Is It Time to Start Shooting?
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - Fox TV show on the job for Ashcroft
- Paul Thompson at The Center for Cooperative Research - The Complete 9/11 Timeline
- Sherman H. Skolnick at - The Overthrow Of The American Republic - Part 14
- Charley Reese - Truth Is The Best Argument
- Myles Kantor at - A Freedom Referendum in Miami
- Nat Hentoff at The Village Voice - General Ashcroft's Detention Camps: Time to Call for His Resignation
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Important Questions about War in Iraq
- Ronald Bailey at Reason - Reality Check for Redistributionists: Why property rights are environmental rights
- Uri Avnery at Strike the Root - The Return of the Dinosaurs
- Kyle Wiliams at World Net Daily - The American experiment is failing
- Jim Peron at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - My Encounter with the Poverty Pimps: The World Summit on Sustainable Development, Part 3
- - Harry Potter Nimbus 2000 Broom
- Angel Shamaya at - "I hope it doesn't come down to 'resistance'."
- Gwen P at - A Rape Survivor -- Now She's An RKBA Activist Who Carries a Gun
- Sherman H. Skolnick at - The Overthrow Of The American: Republic - Part 15
- Gold City Gun & Cartridge
- Joseph Farah at WorldNetDaily - New al-Qaida training tape shows another side of terror
- Robert Higgs at - Nation Trembles as Congress Reassembles
- The Complete 9/11 Timeline
- I got my Marlin 444P Wild West Guns Oregon Trail Bullet Company
- Cobra Enterprises
- L. Neil Smith at Sierra Times - September Song
- Susan Cornwell at Reuters - Senators Overwhelmingly Pass Pilot Gun Bill
- Project Freedom Press Releases - Paul Continues Fight to Arm Pilots
- Jon Dougherty at World Net Daily - Activist dares IRS to arrest him "Theft By Deception" video producer Larken Rose
- Guardian Unlimited - Hunt enthusiasts say they would flout ban
- Roy MacGregor at The Globe and Mail - A cross to burn, an axe to grind
- Ron Paul at - Arguments Against a War on Iraq
- Gary North at - Used Cars
- The Hunter at Sierra Times - Finish The Job ad campaign National Shooting Sports Foundation warning the day after 9/11
- J.D. Tuccille, at - Bad medicine estimates
- Steven Greenhut at The Orange County Register - Dumping the Constitution
- L. Neil Smith at Project: Safe Skies - Re: Are you insane?
- Hunter at Project: Safe Skies - how do you want to be credited?
- Rene Sanchez at The Washington Post -
Nevada Ponders Looser Curbs on Marijuana
- Hardships
- Privacy Alert Memberships
- Marshall Stanton at Beartooth Bullets - .444 Marlin - America's Most Versatile Big-Bore Beartooth Bullets Part II of .444 Marlin-America's Most Versatile Big-Bore
- I installed my Wild West Guns
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - ... But Who Wants to Live in an Institution?
- Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Alan Hutch
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Libertarian Enterprise - Practical Property: Intellectual Property in the Real World
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - A Note of Thanks
- James J Odle at The Libertarian Enterprise - Review: CRASHMAKER: A Federal Affaire
- Dave Polaschek - Spam
- Christopher Bollyn at American Free Press via Rumor Mill News - Coming to America: 9/11 - The Big Lie The Big Lie: The Pentagon Plane Crash That Never Happened
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - The Case against War in Iraq Arguments Against a War on Iraq
- Ron Paul at - Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty
- Harry Browne at World Net Daily - Overlooking the obvious
- Adam Jackson at The South Bend (IN) Tribune - Rainbow Revisited Rainbow Farm
- - Man Convicted After Talking About 'Burning Bush'
- Salman Rushdie at The Sydney Morning Herald -
Ironic if Bush himself causes jihad
- Harry J. Smith - 4D Model: Tesseract
- From the Hafiz mailing list
- From Devy Kidd's article
- Tom Tomorrow - One Year Later: What the President Has Learned Since 9-11
- John Bergstrom's Attack Comics - John Paul II Meets with the American Bishops
- - George-ography
- eGray
- End the War on Freedom end war
- Porter Anderson at CNN - World marks first moment of silence yesterday
- 911 Attack
- Thomas L. Knapp - In A Libertarian America ...
- Eric Raymond at Armed and Dangerous - One year later... here
- Jerry Pournelle - Wednesday, September 11, 2002
- Dale Amon at Samizdata - An open letter to the Media
- Perry de Havilland at Samizdata - The real England speaks
- Claire Wolfe at Sierra Times - Why It's More Important to Pet Your Dog Than Fight for Freedom
- Charley Reese - Oppose Bush's Power Grab
- OGRE IS BACK! And madder than ever!
- Alan Bock at - Preventive or Preemptive War?
- Friends of Liberty - U.S. Senate Candidate Arrested on Firearms Charges (Colorado)
- Reuters via Yahoo News - Armed Roadblocks in London Target Gun Crime
- P.J. O'Rourke at Forbes - Tina's Got A Gun
- CNN - Reno trails McBride; Sununu beats Smith
- Devvy Kidd at - Do American's Have the Stomach for Freedom?
- AP via - Overview of Changes to Legal Rights
- Libertarian Party Press Releases - Honor 9/11 victims by restoring American freedom, Libertarians say
- Washington Post -
Bush Renews Pledge to Fight Terror
- Sara Rimensnyder at Reason - Airport Horror Show
- - Selected Software For Your Downloading Pleasure
- Apple - iCal Mac OS X
- CNN - Terror alert issued on Florida highway
- Sean Gabb - A Conservative Case Against Identity Cards "papieren bitte" here
- Miami Herald via NewsMax - McBride Defeats Reno Strike the Root her experience
- Mark Ferran - While Leaving Ground Zero
- Miles Kington at The Independent - How the west was won
- New York Times -
Bush's Speech to U.N. on Iraq
- Alisa Solomon at The Village Voice - Things We Lost in the Fire
- George F. Smith at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - A 9-11 Report Card
- Sherman H. Skolnick at - The Overthrow Of The American: Republic - Part 15, Supplement and Update
- Sherman H. Skolnick at - The Overthrow Of The American: Republic - Part 17, FBI Sought Clamp on Bush Stories
- Carl Bussjaeger at Sierra Times - Nathan Barton's Free Political Speech Case
- The Hunter at Sierra Times - Trial by Internet
- Carl Bussjaeger - Jackbooted Thug of the Month: Captain Mark Aguirre of the Houston Police Department
- Jo Ann Zuniga at The Houston Chronicle - Kmart raid's captain under virtual house arrest
- Laura Ingraham at Jewish World Review - The Today Show v. guns
- Jon Dougherty at World Net Daily - Firearms and freedom will protect homeland
- MalcontentX - Sept 11: Unanswered Questions
- - blog glossary
- Jerry Pournelle - There Will Be War here
- Sue Clough at The Telegraph - Man guilty of manslaughter after tackling career burglar here
- John Askill at The Sun - Farce as heroes nick thug
- The Attacks of 11 September: Who Profits from the Crime? 911 The Big Lie
- Fred on Everything - Yes, Mommy: A Well-Regulated State
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Warren Tilson
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Mars Needs Saloons!
- Patrick K Martin at The Libertarian Enterprise - Let's Roll?
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Libertarian Enterprise - Searching the Land for a Pro-Gun-Rights Judge
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Libertarian Enterprie - The Simon Jester Starter Kit The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Simon Jester logo starter kit
- Jim Duensing at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Evil Ones
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - A Desire Named Streetcar
- - disappeared
- The Homeland Security Cultural Bureau White Box Closure White Box Art Gallery Google Thomas
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Entangling Alliances Distort our Foreign Policy
- Heather Ratcliffe at The St. Louis Post-Dispatch - Street justice
- Ed Lewis at Liberty for All - Defeated
- Neil Mackay at Sunday Herald - Bush planned Iraq 'regime change' before becoming President
- Ron Paul at - Legislation Introduced To Abolish The Federal Reserve H.R. 5356
- Dave Orrick at The Daily Herald via Yahoo News - Hotel drug sweep surprises drug treatment experts
- The Patriot Resource Center Patriot Links
- David Codrea at - Two on a Match: An Open Questionnaire for Sonny Perdue and Roy Barnes
- Mike Vanderboegh at - The Window War Sierra Times commentary
- Doing Freedom - Take Back Your Freedom! here
- Doing Freedom - Get busy! here
- Lou Marano at UPI - Study: 3-strikes laws increase homicides
- Steve Bonta at - Reporting to the UN
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - High Summer
- Bruce Schneier's Cryptogram Newsletter - September 15 2002 AntiChildPorn dirty words list
- Sexy calendario 2002
- Paul Thompson at The Center for Cooperative Research - 9/11 Timeline
- Al Barger at Culpepper Log - How to Stop Suicide Bombers
- Al Barger at Culpepper Log - A message from God
- Thomas M. Saunders - The Bill Of Attainder Project
- Liz Michael - Fighting the War On Terror: The Right Way
- Warren Tilson at - What Would Happen If the Police Just Went Away?
- Ron Paul at - War Is a Political Disaster
- talibanletter.txt
- Russell Madden at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - Sacred Ground
- Jack Wheeler at NewsMax via Sierra Times - America's Saddam Waco Justice
- Wayne Hicks at Sierra Times - Call To New America, Part 3: Liberty Regions Under Occupation
- Harry Browne at - America, Meet Your Leaders
- L. Reichard White at The Libertarian Enterprise - Dis-Mything 9-11 Part 2: Is The USA Patriot Act Patriotic?
- James J Odle at The Libertarian Enterprise - Review: CRASHMAKER: A Federal Affaire
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk Will We Bring bin Laden to Justice?
- AP via - Ribbon cutting gets new twist at airport
- Adam Liptak at The New York Times -
A State Weighs Allowing Juries to Judge Laws
- Jeremy Watson at Scotland on Sunday - Prince : I'll leave Britain over fox hunt ban
- Sarah Foster at World Net Daily - Farmers, hunters march for 'Liberty and Livelihood' Countryside Alliance
- Stephen Robinson at The Telegraph - 407,791 voices cry freedom
- Robert Tracinski at Capitalism Magazine - The War on Art Historians
- Jim Moore at Etherzone - The Freedom Writer's Dilemma: How to Be Believed
- Robert Higgs at - Helplessly, We Await the Catastrophe Our Rulers Are Creating
- Ceci Connolly at The Washington Post -
Smallpox Vaccine Guidelines Readied: Emergency Plan To Cover All of U.S.
- Paul J. Nyden at Common Dreams - Security Plan Threatens Civil Liberties, Byrd Says
- - Change Is in the Air!
- Mark Twain at - The Loud Little Handful The Mysterious Stranger
- Carma Lewis at Armed Females of America - No More 'Pro-Gun' Politicians!
- Larry Pratt at Gunowers of America - The Gun Show "Loophole" Fraud -- Part I two three four
- David Carr at Samizdata - Being there Liberty and Livelihood
- The Sydney Morning Herald -
Words of war, phrases that frighten
- The Nevada Livestock Association at Sierra Times - NV Cattle Rustling: An Eyewitness Report
- Louis Turner at The Federal Observer Time To Get Even
- I installed AmphetaDesk
- The Federal Register via Cryptome - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect To Persons Who Commit, Threaten To Commit, Or Support Terrorism
- Mitch Albom at The Capital Times (WI) - Federal Agents' Actions Reveal the Real Dope
- Mark Fiore at Mother Jones - The Real Threat
- Bill Walker at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - The Best Defense Against Terrorism
- Russell Madden at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - The Politics of Hate
- Jim Peron at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - The Rise of Spontaneous Order: The Contradictions of Left and Right
- John Gartner at Wired - GM's Hy-Wire Brakes Driving Mold Mondial De L'Automobile
- FlashBunny - Better off Dead
- Donald W. Miller, Jr. at - Arm-to-Arm Against Bioterrorism
- Walter E. Williams at World Net Daily - Rights vs. wishes
- Declan McCullagh at CNet News - University bans controversial links here
- Libertarian Party Press Releases - Bush blasts corporate fraud, but what about government fraud?
- The Colorado Freedom Report - Denver Spy Files Target Libertarian Party
- Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - "Innocents Betrayed" Goes Into Production!
- John deLaubenfels at Strike the Root - Rumsfeld Is Pissed
- Vin Suprynowicz is taking his Ballad of Carl Drega book tour Libertarian Party of New Hampshire convention Holiday Inn
- The Washington Times - Anti-gun nonsense H.R. 2037
- David Saltonstall at NY Daily News - Smoke ban goes private: Clubs group for war with mayor
- I received a message from the Smoke Free Action Network
- Joel Veitch at - Viking Kittens
- Ballad of Carl Drega book tour Richard Ilana
- Perry de Havilland at - One click, you're guilty
- Eric Raymond at Armed and Dangerous - Failsafe Failsafe!
- Not in Our Name full-page ad sign statement
- My son, Christopher, fell in love yesterday with my Colt Competition HBAR 870 Express Youth Gun
- There's a new issue of The Libertarian Enterprise