August 2002
Thursday, 1 August: Quotes and Comics
- Stuart Carlson - Homeland Security
- Mike Shelton at The Orange County Registger - California Deficit
- - Prudence
- Scott Bieser at Rational Review - The Voice of Experience
- Garry Reed, the Loose Cannon Libertarian - Separation of Church and Statists
- Thomas L. Knapp at Rational Review - Looking Forward -- and Back
- L. Neil Smith at Rational Review - Scattered Thoughts on the Life of a Writer
- Steve Trinward at Rational Review - The day the LP stood up -- and honored its fallen heroes
- Linux General at CramSession - Borg vs Microsoft
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch Voter Guide - Tamara A. Millay
- Edgar J. Steele at The Federal Observer - The Death of Free Speech and Individualism... In the New World Order of America!
- Joseph Sobran - John Lindh, Patriot
- Paul Craig Roberts at vdare - New Evidence on Gun Control II: The British Experience
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - The Homeland Security Non-Debate
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe at The Ludwig von Mises Institute - The Private Production of Defense
- Patrick K Martin at The Libertarian Enterprise - Assassination and Sabotage: Are They the Libertarian Art of War?
- Curt Howland at The Libertarian Enterprise - Voluntary Money The Creature from Jekyll Island
- Manuel Miles at The Libertarian Enterprise - Lon Horiuchi For President!
- Minority Mike at The Libertarian Enterprise - Tipped Over
- Kevin Tuma - War on Fat
- Ed Stein - Redevelopment Plans
- L. Neil Smith at Sierra Times - The Five-Minute Reich Schumer Clinton Sweeney 10 USC 311 18 USC 242
- Joe Wilson at The Washington Times - Passenger protection as needed
- Dan Verton at InfoWorld - IT Pros May Face Background Checks
- Ben Shapiro at There oughta be a law
- Jessie Grimond at The Independent - Italian police planted petrol bombs on G8 summit protesters
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - Independence 2002
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - Fire and Water
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Are you ready for liberty in your lifetime? Free State Project
- Ken Schooland and Lux Lucre at the International Society for Individual Liberty - The Philosophy of Liberty The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible
- MoPaul at The Libertarian Enterprise - TIPS
- Jeremy Lott at Reason - Cool Libertarians
- Sam Grove at The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter to the editor
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Libertarian Enterprise - Tips, and Tactical Timing
- Mark Etanerkist at The Libertarian Enterprise - Assassination Politics vs. Electoral Politics AP
- Butler Shaffer at The Libertarian Enterprise - Will A Police State Protect Your Liberty?
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Libertarian Enterprise - An 'Unreviewable and Irreversible Power ... To Acquit'
- Mark Lamoree at The Libertarian Enterprise - Tonight
- Kaz Dziamka at - The USA-DEA cabal: an enemy of reason The Great Book of Hemp The Hemp Manifesto
- Paul Kirby at The Daily Freeman - Unnecessary roughness? Elderly man claims excessive force by police officer
- Bryon Okada at The Dallas/Fort-Worth Star-Telegram - D/FW plays key role in security bill
- Paul Marks at The Hartford Courant - Texan Learns To Rue Remark: `Rifle' Mention At Airport To Cost Him
- Matthew Rothschild at The Progressive via AlterNet - Anti-Bush Protesters Silenced at Ohio State Graduation
- Kevin Tuma - Yoyo
- - Shysters
- 0208.html 0207.html
- Harry Browne at World Net Daily - Say 'bye, bye' to prescription drugs
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Will Congress Debate War with Iraq?
- matt rossi
- atlanta.html
- J. H. Huebert at The Salem (Ohio) News - Was James Traficant the Worst Crook in Congress?
- Libertarian Party Press Releases - Did California gun laws make kidnapping of teens more likely?
- Charley Reese - Business Bad
- J.J. Johnson at Sierra Times - Sierra Times at the Crossroads donations
- Stephen Burr at Liberty for All - A Federal License for That?
- South Dakota Libertarian Party - Libertarian Gubernatorial Candidate Arrested At State Fair
- John Derbyshire at National Review - Unpleasant Truths: A conservative view of the world today
- Kevin Tuma - Ethics
- From an article about Johnny Carson in the July/August issue of the AARP
- Trijicon Reflex Botach Tactical
- Charley Reese - Happy Birthday, Harry!
- Brian Puckett at - Justice Department Ignores Second Amendment Violations: Update on "Ashcroft" Petition Citizens of America
- George Peabody for Governor of Hawaii 2002
- BBC News - Soldier toy disarmed at airport
- Joseph Sobran - Niceness and the State viddy
- Nathan Cochrane at The Age - Copyright bill will create vigilantes: critics H.R. 5211
- James Waddell at - The Blessing of Inequality
- NewsMax - Airport Screeners Order Mom to Drink Breast Milk Motherwear
- Don Thompson of AP via The Fresno Bee - 'Bullet tax' amendment pulled from consideration this year
- Scott Bowen at New York Press - Bill Ruger Of Brooklyn
- Maj. Anthony F. Milavic USMC via Meanoldfart at The Firing Line - In Praise Of The 7.62
- The Week Online with DRCNet - Canadian NAFTA Suit Over Hemp Restrictions Enters Arbitration
- The Week Online with DRCNet - Federal Judge Deems Utah Asset Forfeiture Initiative Constitutional
- The Week Online with DRCNet - South Dakota Lakota Successfully Harvest Hemp Crop
- Washington Times Editorial - Fairfax County wastes tax dollars harassing citizen
- Nora Koch at The Philadelphia Inquirer - No more drug-free urine sold here
- Russell Madden at Laissez-Faire Electronic Times - Your Friendly Neighborhood Bankerman
- George F. Smith at Laissez-Faire Electronic Times - Ending the Income Tax: Judgment Day in Massachusetts
- P.J. Gladnick at Laissez-Faire Electronic Times - The Traficant Zone
- From GunCite's If you learn only one thing from GunCite, let this be it
- Claire Wolfe at Doing Freedom! - Wrong House Raid
- Sunni Maravillosa at Sierra Times - Countering No Rights Zones
- John R. Lott Jr. at National Review - A Woman's Choice: Letting her defend herself.
- The Hunter at Sierra Times - A New "Defining Moment"? Goodbye To The First Amendment
- Walter E. Williams at World Net Daily - Parting company Free State Project
- Glenn Harlan Reynolds at Fox News - Lessons From History Guns and Violence: The English Experience
- T-Shirt page and
- Eugene Volokh at The Volokh Conspiracy - Why Gun Owners Worry about the Slippery Slope
- Harry Browne at World Net Daily - Why the income tax must go
- Jeff Lewis at MacOpinion - Rethinking Jaguar
- Patrick K Martin at The Libertarian Enterprise - Come the Revolution? What Revolution?
- John Lopez at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Moral Outrage of Voting
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Libertarian Enterprise - Jackbooted Thug of the Month, August 2002: Officer Gary Kingsbury
- Jim Duensing at The Libertarian Enterprise - Why Does George W. Bush Hate Saddam Hussein?
- Doug Newman at The Libertarian Enterprise - James Dobson: Flaming Liberal?
- Ian Ball at The Telegraph - Anger over airport security scans
- Penn Jillette at The Cato Institute - Make the Terrorists Do the Profiling
- Warren Tilson at - Freedom Insurance
- The quote below is from the Families Against Violence Advocacy Network anti-gun
- Ron Paul at - Don't Aggress Against Iraq
- Brendan Miniter at The Wall Street Journal - The Posse Comitatus Problem
- Adam Nossiter at The Washington Post -
Tough Judge Shocks New Orleans With His Own Indictment: Ex-Prosecutor
Faces Federal Drug Charge
- Barry Siegel at The LA Times - Student's Future on a Knife's Edge letters here
- Opera Press Releases - Browse with confidence: Opera Implements OpenSSL Fixes
- "Welcome to Zombo com
- Libertarianism for Complete Idiots
- Remember yesterday
- Justin Raimondo at - Hail Dick Armey! Retiring House GOP leader speaks out against Iraq war -- and he is far from alone
- Jonathan Turley at The LA Times via Common Dreams - Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision
- Al Greenwood at The Fayetville (NC) Observer - Woman refuses airport screening
- Sean Haugh at Liberty for All - A Letter to a Friend, who worries that our anger over the "war on terrorism" makes us look bad
- Wally Conger at - Remembering Randy Weaver
- The Give 'em L!
- Candace Faber at Armed Females of America - Why Would You Ever Want To Shoot A Gun?
- Paul Boutin at Wired - Disputed Air ID Law May Not Exist
- Ben Shapiro at - Rachel Carson's deadly Summer
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Good Government: a Hit or a Myth?
- Karen Bouffard at The Detroit News - Drug raid raises concerns
- Kevin Tuma - Iraq
- The
comes in black
for those who serve
- Bruce Schneier - Crypto-Gram Newsletter, August 15, 2002
- Harry Browne at World Net Daily - How to destroy America in one easy lesson
- Blake Morrison at USA Today - Air marshal program in disarray, insiders say Dozens of top agents have quit the service
- Mark Ferran at We the People - Law, a Revolutionary Idea for Peace
- From a Firing Line Thread
- I created a page for the writings of Mark Ferran Law, a Revolutionary Idea for Peace US Supreme Court Permits "Unauthorized Deprivations" and thereby Declares War Against God and Against The People of the United States The Right of NY Landowners to Use Force (or Display Guns) to Stop, Expel and Arrest Defiant Trespassers
- Michael Peirce at - The Soviets Won...Didn't They?
- Cheryl Seal at Unknown News - The Lights are On -- Is Anybody HOME?
- Helen Highwater at Unknown News - Reasonable deaths in a nonsense war
- W.R. McDougall at The Baltimore Chronicle - Dear America
- Tom Burroughes at - Good news from the Lone Star State
- My family left this morning on an airplane from Albany International Airport
- AP via The Washington Times - Big Brother watching, warns New York guide Surveillance Camera Players tours performances
- Babak Dehghanpisheh, John Barry and Roy Gutman at Newsweek - The Death Convoy of Afghanistan
- Brainwashing America military dictatorship
- Gary Galles at The Ludwig von Mises Institute - H.L. Mencken on Liberty and Government
- Mike Shelton at The Orange County Register - Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
- - Justifying War
- Albany (NY) Times Union Editorial - The law of the diners
- six-packs of videotapes The Fatal Flaws of Big Government Audio The "Intruder" TV ad T-Shirt How to Persuade Your Friends & Family Guns Save Lives & Reduce Crime
- The Jackson's at Liberty Round Table - my brother and the deputy
- Sky News - Gadaffi To Head Human Rights Body
- Andrew Orlowski at The Register - PGP is back! Letter from the CTO PGP 8 freeware release
- Charley Reese - A Bad Idea
- Dennis Grover at Sierra Times - Americans: The Endangered Species
- Kevin Ellul Bonici at Lassaiz Faire Electronic Times - A Dissenter's Fate in Fascist America: The Lessons for Europe
- Libertarian Party Press Releases - Medical marijuana ads play role in defeat of U.S. Rep. Bob Barr
- There's a new Libertarian Enterprise issue
- Alex Singleton at Liberty Log - Andrew Neil on Iraq The Case for War
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Remarks To The Fifth Annual Convention Of The Mars Society
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Does Government Run the Economy? yesterday
- Camille Paglia at - Camille Returns The Camille Paglia IMterview
- Timothy Lynch at National Review - Remember Ruby Ridge
- Billy Beck at No Treason Blog - Highway Robbery
- Jeff Jacoby at The Boston Globe - For safer streets, give women guns
- Tami Kimball at MSNBC - Residents Take Up Arms Following Attacks
- Arthur Eisenberg and Beth Haroules at the NYCLU - NYCLU Calls On U.S. Attorney's Office To End Staged "Perp Walks" here
- Tim Richardson at The Register - BT loses hypertext claim here
- Ed Henry at Ether Zone - The War Is On: Iraq Attack Already Underway
- Qatar News Agency via Inter Press Service News Agency - Egypt will not let US warships pass through Suez Canal
- Jules Varwig at - Damn It, Then
- Taking Children Seriously FAQ
- The Week Online with DRCNet - Can We Make That a Line Item? Alabama County Gets Blatant on Asset Forfeiture as Revenue Enhancer
- The Week Online with DRCNet - Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead: Bob Barr Defeated in Georgia Primary
- Robert Vroman at - The Jim Bell System Revisited Assassination Politics Taking Children Seriously
- Bob Murphy at - The Politics of Destruction, Part Deux
- sheilla
- Mike Shelton at The Orange County Register - But Logging Is Much Worse!!
- Yesterday I bought a Marlin 444P L.C. Smith shotgun .444 Marlin page
- The Guardian Unlimited - A dose of madness
- Betsy Pisik at The Washington Times - U.N. considers face-lift
- Corinne Low at The Libertarian Enterprise - Fine, Throw Your Vote Away! A Love Letter to Third Party Voters
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Libertarian Enterprise - Which Is The Nation Of Slaves, Numbered Like Cattle?
- Claire Berlinski at Samizdata - A Modest Proposal
- Mike Salinero at The Tampa Tribune - Gen. Zinni Says War With Iraq Is Unwise
- Christopher Bollyn at - Open Letter To World Trade Center Investigators
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Libertarian Enterprise - Changing The Rules
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Libertarian Enterprise - Another African 'Drought'
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Libertarian Enterprise - Dare to Face the Failure of DARE
- Roma Khanna at The Houston Chronicle Raid at hot dog joint preceded Kmart bust
- Jacob Sullum at Reason - Barr Exam: Why I'll miss the "worst drug warrior in Congress"
- "Mike" at Geeks With Guns - Diplomacy
- Bill St. Clair at The Albany (NY) Times Union - Let restaurant owners decide smoking policies
- I fired 15 rounds from the Marlin 444P
- Nat Hentoff at The Village Voice - The Soldier of the Constitution
- Harry Brown at World Net Daily - How to oppose terrorism
- Chip Elliott at - Letter from an ANGRY Reader
- AP via The Fort Worth Star-Telegram - Police captain suspended over Kmart arrests
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - War in Iraq, War on the Rule of Law?
- Dave Polaschek at Dave's Picks - Intellectual Property H.R.5211
- Charles C. Mann at The Atlantic - Homeland Insecurity Bruce Schneier
- After some experimenting, I discovered that my Marlin 444P Bear Proof Ejector™ Ghost Ring Sights Big Loop Lever
- Bob Wallace at - The Dumb Criminals of the State
- Ben Spiess at the Anchorage Daily News Nugent delivers high-octane message for Ross
- Lakshmi Sandhana at Wired - There's No Place to Hide Pacific Northwest Laboratory Personal Security Scanner
- Sarah Foster at World Net Daily - Forest Service ignores offers of Russian help
- ZIP+4 Codes for United States Vessels
- Michelle Delio at Wired - 'Happy Mac' Killed By Jaguar
- Paul Craig Roberts at - A Republican Police State?
- Angel Shamaya at -
.50 Caliber Liars: Exposing Multiple Untruths from Gun Prohibitionists
- George F. Smith at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - The U.S. Congress and Thomas Paine: What If Congress Had Tried to Publish Common Sense?
- Sierra Times - Libertarian Arrested In Arizona For Displaying Protest Sign at Televised Debate
- Barbara Gallani at The Telegraph - Geckos form new bond with engineers
- Tom Tomorrow's This Modern World - We've got to attack someone
- Patrick J. Buchanan at World Net Dally - Who gave mankind the gift of WMD?
- Declan McCullagh at CNet - Apple: Burn DVDs--and we'll burn you here
- Patricia O'Connell at Business Week - Self-Defense at 30,000 Feet
- Kevin McCullough at NewsMax - 'Signs'
- Ed Lewis - To Serve and Protect
- Armed & Secure American Liberty Foundation Gunowners of America
- Bob Murphy at - In Search of the Antimarx
- Stand - EUCD in the UK
- Sunni Maravillosa at Free-Market.Net - Freedom Book of the Month for August, 2002: Boston's Gun Bible, 2nd Edition Order it today
- Sunni Maravillosa at Sierra Times - "But I'm Only One Person!"
- Barry Bright at Free Kentucky - "Liberal" justus is not blind eyewitness report
- Dale Amon at Samizdata - Support for Boston Tea Party grows full page ad
- Rick Gee - Speeding Tickets: Public Safety or Public Plunder?
- Joseph R. Stromberg and Karen De Coster at - Things To Do To Pass Time -- During the War
- William L. Anderson at - Ashcroft and Justice: Mutual Exclusives
- Stephen Manning of AP via -
Maryland police hunt man who killed 2 sheriff's deputies
A Blue Wall of Silence
these stories
- Audrey Hudson at The Washington Times - Drunken-pilot joke delays Midwest flight
- Chris Floyd at CounterPunch - The Secret Sharers: The CIA, the Bush Gang and the Killing of Frank Olson
- Anis Shivani at CounterPunch - What's Next...Concentration Camps?