Happy Mac RIP
"It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose." -- Darrin Weinberg
From The Federalist:
"Think about it: We went into slavery pagans; we came out Christians. We went into slavery pieces of property; we came out American citizens. We went into slavery with chains clanking about our wrists; we came out with American ballots in our hands. ... When we rid ourselves of prejudice, or racial feeling, and look the facts in the face, we must acknowledge, notwithstanding the cruelty and moral wrong of slavery, we are in a stronger and more hopeful position, materially, intellectually, morally, and religiously, than is true of an equal number of black people in any other portion of the globe." --Booker T. Washingtonand:
"The way to be safe is never to be secure." -- Benjamin Franklinand:
"Never befriend the oppressed unless you are prepared to take on the oppressor." -- Ogden Nash
From Chuck Muth's News & Views:
"Government does not solve problems - it subsidizes them." -- Ronald Reaganand:
Congress Shall Make No Law.
"The Constitution's First Amendment always referenced but not quoted is simply this: 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free expression thereof.'
"The posting of the Ten Commandments, quotes from the Upanishads, or verses from the Koran in a school or any other government building is completely constitutional. Posting religious texts, praying out loud, or even speaking about God or one's religion does not equal Congress making some law respecting an establishment of religion. In fact, preventing such action by law would actually violate the First amendment."
-- John Byrum, Letter to The Washington Times, 8/25/02
ZIP+4 Codes for United States Vessels may be useful. [smith2004]
Michelle Delio at Wired - 'Happy Mac' Killed By Jaguar - Bummer, man. [wired]
Since Apple has chosen not to comment on the fate of any of the anthropomorphic Mac icons, serious and silly speculation is running rampant.
Some suggested that Happy Mac was laid off in a cost-cutting move, and is currently "between jobs" -- a reference to the widespread belief that Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO, should be charged with Happy Mac's homicide.
Happy Mac was jettisoned to appease the aesthetics of Steve Jobs who has wanted for a long time to dump the "smirking symbol," sources close to Apple programmers confirmed.
But some Mac users believe Happy Mac was the perfect personification of the personality of their beloved computers.
Paul Craig Roberts at VDARE.com - A Republican Police State? - of course. [lew]
If the U.S. Congress had any sense, it would abolish the FBI, demolish the building, and sow the ground with salt before it has a real Gestapo on its hands.
Angel Shamaya at KeepAndBearArms.com -
.50 Caliber Liars: Exposing Multiple Untruths from Gun Prohibitionists -
the truth about many of the lies being promulgated by the Brady Bunch
about the .50 caliber rifle. No, a .50 BMG cartridge is not the
size of a ketchup bottle, not even a small ketchup bottle. [kaba]
George F. Smith at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - The U.S. Congress and Thomas Paine: What If Congress Had Tried to Publish Common Sense? - Hehe. [grabbe]
Sierra Times - Libertarian Arrested In Arizona For Displaying Protest Sign at Televised Debate - The first amendment takes one more on the chin. [sierra]
In a statement, Duarte said, "It is outrageous that Libertarians were excluded from the debate. It's even more outrageous that I was arrested for a perfectly peaceful protest. All I did was hold up a sign. The police told me I had two choices: Leave, or put down the sign and stay. I told them: 'I'm in America. My choice is clear.' So they cuffed me and took me away."
Duarte was then charged with disorderly conduct and disruption of an education institution. He has been released and has a scheduled appearance in Pima County Justice Court on September 16.
Barbara Gallani at The Telegraph - Geckos form new bond with engineers - Gecko lizards can walk up polished glass. We now know how. Applications coming. [lew]
The interdisciplinary team - working at Lewis and Clark College at the University of California, and Stanford University - found that the gecko's climbing ability depends on weak molecular attractive forces called van der Waals bonds.
Named after a 19th century Dutch physicist, the weak forces operate over very small distances but bond to almost any material. They depend on geometry, not surface chemistry.
Thus the gecko's ability to adhere to smooth surfaces depends on the size and shape of the tips of gecko foot hairs, not what they are made of.
Geckos have millions of microscopic hairs, called setae, on the bottom of their feet. A single seta can lift the weight of an ant. A million setae could lift a 45lb child.