Gummint Idiots

"I like children. If they're properly cooked." -- W.C. Fields
After some experimenting, I discovered that my Marlin 444P ejects reliably if I hold it vertically, muzzle pointing at the sky, while working the lever. I recall seeing riflemen do this in movies. Maybe there was a practical reason for it. It also ejects reliably with the barrel parallel to the ground and the lever pointing up, but that's a hard position to get in to when you're in a hurry to load and fire the next round. The guy I bought it from thinks this is unusual and wants to send it back to Marlin. I think it might just be operator error on my part. Of maybe a Wild West Guns Bear Proof Ejector™ will do the trick. I definitely want one of their Ghost Ring Sights and maybe a Big Loop Lever.
Bob Wallace at - The Dumb Criminals of the State - Criminals are stupid, especially the criminals who run the government. [lew]
I am a believer in Natural Law. For the most part I don't find it that hard. If it works, it's law. If it doesn't work, it's not law. If I put water in my gas tank, my car's not going to run. And if I jump out of an airplane without a parachute, somebody else will be driving my Cavalier.
The "war on drugs" doesn't work. If anything, it increases crime. Therefore, "laws" against drugs are not true law; they're just words in books. They same goes for the "war on poverty" and the current "war on terrorism." The former has 35 years of not working, and the latter's going to have its coming decades of the same.
Ben Spiess at the Anchorage Daily News Nugent delivers high-octane message for Ross - Ted Nugent is supporting Anthony Ross in his campaign for governor of Alaska. [kaba]
For Nugent, guns are about more than hunting, more than even protection. Guns are life itself and the barometer of other beliefs.
"To be against gun rights is to be against an individual's right to defend life; it flies in the face of life, heart and spirit. Their stance is unconscionable, feeble, morally inept," he said.
Lakshmi Sandhana at Wired - There's No Place to Hide - The fed's Pacific Northwest Laboratory has a new Personal Security Scanner that does a 3-dimensional holographic body scan with millimeter-wave radio signals. Likely coming to an airport near you within the next couple of years. Better X-Ray eyes for Big Brother. [kaba] offers a videotape copy of John Stossel's TV special, "War on Drugs: A War on Ourselves" for either a $65 membership donation or a $34 purchase price. [drcnet]
Sarah Foster at World Net Daily - Forest Service ignores offers of Russian help - the Russians have an airplane capable of dumping 11,000 gallons of liquid on a fire, but the U.S. forest service won't use it. [trt-ny]
"Frankly, I'm outraged," says Robinson. "This has been going on over six years. The Forest Service has refused to allow this plane into this country for fire fighting. It's a modern aircraft, a four-engine jet. It covers an area the size of 12 football fields with one 10-second drop [of liquid -- water or retardant]. It puts a fireline down 300 feet wide and 3,900 feet long in 10 seconds. It would have saved every community in Colorado and Arizona this year. It would have saved those 300 homes in Los Alamos two years ago."