PGP is Back!
You are the Sun in drag.
You are God hiding from yourself.
Remove all the "mine" - that is the veil.
Why ever worry about
Listen to what your friend Hafiz
Knows for certain:
The appearance of this world
Is a Magi's brilliant trick, though its affairs are
Nothing into nothing.
You are a divine elephant with amnesia
Trying to live in an ant
Sweetheart, O sweetheart
You are God in
Mike Shelton at The Orange County Register - Meanwhile, back at the ranch... - cartoon commentary on GW's new war on Saddam in light of the old war on Osama. Hahahaha. - Justifying War - cartoon commentary on GW's "evidence" that we must take out Saddam. Hehe.
Albany (NY) Times Union Editorial - The law of the diners - applauds two diners for choosing to be smoke-free and disses the legislature for not making this a law.
Two months ago, the Legislature had a chance to do what's best for public health. Additional restrictions on smoking were under consideration, and should have gone so far as to include a ban on smoking in all restaurants and bars. What's on the books now, requiring all restaurants that seat more than 50 people to have separate smoking and non-smoking sections, isn't sufficient. A law requiring special ventilation systems for smoking sections wouldn't have been sufficient, either.I wrote the following letter to the editor:
The August 21 edition contained an editorial applauding two Albany-area diners for going smoke-free and complaining that the legislature should have mandated this by law.
Private property isn't popular anymore. Government taxes and mandates have turned property ownership into more like rental from the state. That's just wrong.
Private property owners have the right to make any rules they want about the use of their property. That means that restaurant owners may forbid smoking if they want, or require it, or do what they did for years, at customer request, before there were any smoking laws: establish separate smoking and non-smoking sections. The owners of the two diners may have been acting in the public interest. More likely they were listening to the market and attempting to improve their bottom lines. Good.
Mandating any smoking policy by law points a government gun at every restaurant owner. How dare you propose that. Let the market work its magic. It always works better than government guns. is the American Liberty Foundation's store. They have six-packs of videotapes containing their three pro-gun commercials ($17.99 for six tapes), The Fatal Flaws of Big Government Audio ($17.95 for two CDs), The "Intruder" TV ad T-Shirt ($17.76), and a booklet: How to Persuade Your Friends & Family Guns Save Lives & Reduce Crime ($4.49 or one cent with the order of two or more T-shirts).
The Jackson's at Liberty Round Table - my brother and the deputy - a true story, sadly. [smith2004]
Scott had parked the truck about a quarter mile from where he was working, and was up in a tree with a chain saw when he suddenly realized that a sheriff's deputy (hereafter known as Rocket Scientist #1) was standing under the tree pointing a gun at him.
"Put your hands up!!" called the Rocket Scientist.
Scott assessed the situation and replied, "I intend to cooperate, sir, but if I do that the chain saw will land on your head and I will fall out of the tree. What do you want me to do?"
The deputy thought about that a minute, then had Scott lower the chain saw to him on a rope. Scott climbed down a minute later and the deputy temporarily lost sight of him behind a boulder at the foot of the tree, while Scott called out, "I'm still here! I'm not going anywhere..."
Sky News - Gadaffi To Head Human Rights Body - the commU.N.ists pick a fox to guard the hen-house. [trt-ny]
Libyan terrorists were responsible for the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, which killed 270 people, and Gadaffi's regime has been criticised for violence against its own people.
Gadaffi's one-year term begins next March.
Andrew Orlowski at The Register - PGP is back! - Network Associates has agreed to sell Pretty Good Privacy to From's Letter from the CTO (Jon Callas), some good news: [grabbe]
First of all continuity - you will be glad to hear that we will publish source code. This is very important to us. It's very important to our investors, too. They understand that one of the main reasons people trust PGP is that its source is available. Our forthcoming source release will be for PGP 8.
There will also be a freeware release of PGP 8. As always, you'll be able to use PGP free for non-commercial use. However, if you use PGP for commercial purposes -- which means that you're using it for something that makes you money -- then please buy it.
Charley Reese - A Bad Idea - why we shouldn't celebrate the anniversary of the World Trade Center and Pentagon bombings. [trt-ny]
Dennis Grover at Sierra Times - Americans: The Endangered Species - The Nevada Committee for full Statehood and Mr. Grover are making a documentary on private property rights and land use issues. They are requesting pre-orders to speed up the completion of this project. [sierra]
This work in its entirety will become a valuable tool to educate the public about the planned destruction of American private property rights. It will visibly demonstrate and validate that this destructive movement (by "controlling factions," using the emotions of the American people by "protecting our environment and animals") is totally bogus because the true agenda has become obvious. The "procedures" used and non-answer explanations by the various government agencies will be exhibited and exposed.
Previous Posts:
Search Warrant? We Don't Need No Steenking Search Warrant
Dear America
Mark Ferran
No More Rules! No More Taxes! Ever!
Secret Search for Drugs
You Can Do Anything at Zombo Com. Anything at All!
Tomorrow: Mail Anti-War Postcards to GW
Gary Kingsbury: Jackbooted Thug of the Month
The Slippery Slope
It's a KABA Sunday