Friday the Thirteenth is back.
Sean Gabb - A Conservative Case Against Identity Cards - the first result in a Google search for "papieren bitte" (German for "papers please"), written back in November of 1994. Mr. Gabb responds at length to a British proposal back then for a national ID card. The "Conservative" party was in power then. Today the British "Labor" party does their part in ratcheting up the power of the state, just as the "Republican" and "Democratic" parties do for each other in the U.S. Archived here.
I believe, however, that there is more to "rolling back the frontiers of the State" than paying regard to economic indicators alone. It is not enough to control the money supply and deregulate the unemployed back into work. It is necessary to roll back the frontiers in social and political matters as well. My ideal England - the England that largely existed before 1914 - is one in which individuals and groups of individuals are free to pursue their ends, constrained only by a minimal framework of laws.
I have no doubt that an identity card scheme would be absolutely fatal to the realising of this ideal - even the "voluntary" scheme that Mr Howard proposes for the moment.[3] It would undermine the half-open society in which we now live.
Given the technology that will soon be available, it would allow the erection of the most complete despotism that ever existed in these islands. I am astonished that such a scheme could be put forward by a government that dares call itself Conservative. It is a betrayal not merely of the libertarian and classical liberal wings of the Party, but also of the most reactionary High Toryism. I will not argue whether this is socialism by other means. But it is undoubtedly collectivist.
I could immensely elaborate this point, showing the ubiquity of identity cards in these societies, how no one could be said to exist without one. But I have made the point. I can say that without identity cards, there could have been no full persecution of the Jews. I will turn this to a more general proposition - That identity cards make such things possible, and even encourage the kind of people who want to make them happen. By abolishing anonymity, identity cards enable the authorities to find their victims among populations of millions or hundreds of millions.
Miami Herald via NewsMax - McBride Defeats Reno - good. Strike the Root said about this story: [buildfreedom]
That's a shame, the State could have benefited from her experience. contains a wealth of conspiracy theories about the 9/11 atrocities. "The Road to Tyranny." "The War on Freedom."
Mark Ferran - While Leaving Ground Zero - Mark was at ground zero on the night of September 11, 2001. This is his story.
Tonight, September 11, 2002, I just want to take a moment to share with you a scene that left a deep impression on me while I was leaving the wreckage at Ground Zero.