S3 Says "Hello World"
I've decided to use S3 as a platform for learning Ruby. I've managed to figure out enough of the simple access control stuff to load a simple "Hello World" page accessible to the world. It's at s3.amazonaws.com/billstclair/index.html. I created it with the following (in real code, you'd check the responses for errors):
# Fill in your access codes here
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'put yours here'
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'put yours here'
BUCKET = "billstclair" # Choose your own bucket. This one's mine.
# Public read access header
prh = {"x-amz-acl" => "public-read"}
# Create connection
@conn = S3::AWSAuthConnection.new(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, false)
# Create bucket with default private access
# Public access allows anyone to list all the objects with
# http://s3.amazonaws.com/BUCKET
response = @conn.create_bucket(BUCKET)
# You could change the bucket to public-read access by recreating it.
# This does NOT remove any objects in the bucket.
# response = @conn.create_bucket(BUCKET, prh)
# Create the hello world page with public-read access
response = @conn.put(BUCKET, "index.html", "Hello World", prh)
I'm going to work towards moving my 911 Timeline mirror over to S3. Should save me some bucks.
BTW, Amazon's sample Ruby S3 library is here.
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