S3 Appears to Work

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 16:26:08 GMT  <== Computers ==> 

I tried the example code, in Python & Ruby, for Amazon's new S3 (Simple Storage Service). Had to change data.length to data.length.to_s() in s3-test.rb (the Ruby test routine) in order to avoid an error of trying to call to_str on a fixnum.

It took me a while last night to make the Python example work. I was running it from my Puppy Linux installation, and was getting an error on creating a bucket. The problem was that my timezone was set incorrectly, and S3 was complaining about too much clock skew. Once I figured out how to print the message in the response I got, I fixed it pretty quickly.

I grabbed the S3 buckets: billstclair, god, God, & one other that I'm not telling about.

Yep. I'm God in S3. Hehe.

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